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Everything posted by K D

  1. They will if he's winning. Right now I think it's close enough for them to "find" enough votes. If you are a fan of history, with every authoritarian government they take out their political rival with either 1) propaganda 2) jail 3) assassination, in that order. Phase 1 and 2 of their plan doesn't seem to be working so they still might go for option 3.
  2. I'm neither side but people on here call me MAGA Trumper or right wing. Never voted Republican in my life and I don't particularly care about abortion or forcing my religion on anyone. I know right from wrong and I know propaganda when I see it. Any side that has all of the media, celebrities, and corporations is the wrong side of history to be on. You have half the country voting for Kamala without knowing any of her policies and she won't sit down and discuss them. I have enough street smarts to know when someone is trying to scam me. I don't support Trump necessarily but he has no power and he's the lesser of two evils in this race. Happy to respond to any policy questions respectively
  3. We don't know Kamala's policies. How can we talk about them?
  4. Being pro free speech, religious, and bearing arms is the most American thing you can do. It's literally what this country was founded on. They now want to classify these people as terrorists/racists. Time to take back this country! Wake up people!
  5. Trump is for abortions and IVF too but it's up to the states which is better because Lefty states can ensure they always have it. Isn't that what they want? NY already guarantees it
  6. Can you name them? I saw 1 rally and it was twerking and then half the crowd left then them saying the other side is weird and then they read some stuff off the prompter and that was it. Not very enlightening. I'd like to see a list of policies but they aren't on the website
  7. Will Kamala do the X interview? How about the Fox debate on Sept 4? How about any sit down conversation ever? Can you list her policies for us? I'm a potential voter I need to know thanks
  8. Then why doesn't she go on and talk about it? She won't even do an interview with friendly networks let alone a full hour sit down discussion. Why is that? What are her policies? People on the Left, hold your candidate accountable. They think you are stupid and you are falling for it
  9. Denial of service attack. Elon just confirmed..they are scared, they don't want you to listen
  10. The Left is ok with this as long as their side wins. Everything their team does is amazing and inclusive and everything the Right does is racist and hateful.
  11. He may be in the closet. He did have a trans "roommate." Nobody should assume his gender or sexuality and definitely not make fun of it like what the Left is currently doing. That's a hate crime. Hypocrites!
  12. I don't know the answer to someone's gender. That is very personal. To say someone who may have identified as a woman in that photo is playing dress up is the epitome of transphobia.
  13. Are you assuming his gender? He may have been fluid during his college years
  14. He's showing his support for LGBTQ. What's wrong with that? Why are you all being so transphobic?
  15. They don't care. They are all braindead. The campaign should be called "Not Trump." Let's all laugh and have a good time and bring out celebrities twerking on stage. Just forget that you are all broke and crime is rampant. How fun!
  16. I probably didn't explain it right but it's not a random guy. It's a company that tracks phone numbers and created a database of their findings
  17. Someone on Twitter who tracks phone numbers and he keeps a database of people who go to protests and rallies etc. The phone number was tracked to a govt building in DC like 2 down from the FBI or something.
  18. He keeps posting fake stuff over and over super annoying
  19. From the FBI meeting with Trump, they said they found info that the kid talked crap about both Biden and Trump and maybe he went after Trump because that was the first politician to come through his small town. I find that hard to believe. You don't get that worked up to kill someone unless you really hate them. We have info that shows he sent money to a far left cause and also a social media gaming account where he talked crap about Trump. If they have info where he was also against Biden then need to release it but like you said that's going to be top secret until most of us are dead.
  20. I don't think Obama destroyed the world I would have voted for him. I do think they are using "everyone hates Trump" to install radical changes on the left that nobody would otherwise vote for. I'm not even 100% sure that Trump isn't in on it. He was a lifelong Dem and funded some of these people. How do we know he's not throwing the election to help them do this whacko stuff? The only proof I have is that they keep trying to put him in jail but maybe even that is just a dog and pony show
  21. Yes give up all of your freedom because you don't like the guy on the other side. Makes sense. You can think Trump isn't a good guy and still be against socialism, open borders, unlimited govt spending, endless wars, etc. We just had a terrible 4 years under this regime and you want 4 more because Trump lies and steals just like every politician in history, he just does it out loud.
  22. He was clearly a bad shot but he was into that kind of shooting and tried out for a club team or something I had read. So he was still better than most. They saw a kid who was picked on and who could be easily influenced. Did they ever find out who the DC phone # was that visited the kid multiple times leading up to the shooting?
  23. Interesting that Tampon Tim says you aren't guaranteed free speech if it's misinformation or hateful but then chose to say the couch thing about Vance even though it's both. Should we put him in jail? We can't have that kind of speech in our country!
  24. If our country is going to fall apart, I'd rather be under Muslim law than the woke communist laws where they take our guns and property and trans men indoctrinate children. It won't turn out well for the women and gays who support Hamas.
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