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Everything posted by K D

  1. Who won the coin toss? I missed it. But even when the Bengals win they take the ball. Their beat reporter said they saw when the offense sits too long the get out of rhythm so they always take the ball to start the game or the other team defers so either way they go on offense first. If we won the toss we should have taken the ball to throw them off
  2. Poyer needs that money to pay for his wife's butt implants
  3. You are right. He was even FASTER today at 2.5 flat. There are some really bad posters on this forum unfortunately. Josh at 3.2 and consistently among the longest holding onto the ball every season. No structure, just doing what he wants.
  4. Burrow is the quickest time to throw in the entire NFL averaging 2.55 seconds. You couldn't be more wrong
  5. False. You can win by playing within structure and completing simple 7 yard passes. The Bengals literally did it to us today. 3 step, throw the ball. Stop running around like a crazy person and launching it 50 yards when all you need is 2 for the first down
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Diggs makes some ultimatums this off-season. New OC or signing a big time WR. Something. There's no way he's going to go along with the same old thing next year
  7. Josh wants to do crazy things. When you have a kid that acts out, he needs more discipline and structure. Not someone to enable them and say yea do whatever you want. It's chaos out there
  8. Josh wants to do crazy things. When you have a kid that acts out, he needs more discipline and structure. Not someone to enable them and say yea do whatever you want. It's chaos out there
  9. No we have to keep drafting DL in the first 2 rounds so that they can do absolutely nothing vs a backup OL
  10. Surprise cut, Tre White. He's just hugging guys at this point. He gets paid WAY too much for this kind of play
  11. Offense scored 10 points. We weren't beating the Jets with Zack Wilson today
  12. We are the Dolphins of the 90's. We have a great QB and we win a lot of games but it's all for not because there are better teams in the AFC and we won't get rid of our coach because everyone loves him. Purgatory indeed
  13. Yes he grabbed his clothes and tried to leave before the rest of the team and coaches even got to the locker room. Duke Johnson had to basically drag him back in and then he left a few min later anyhow. That's pretty bad for a captain
  14. Well that was a punch in the gut, a real dose of reality. Completely outplayed start to finish. The offensive and defensive game plan for this game was embarrassing. Not to mention McDermott has shown to be a terrible game manager with the game on the line. How many years are we going to put up with this? We are wasting Josh Allen's talent. No other top QB has a good defense like we do and the COACHES have blown it year after year. You can love this team and totally disagree with what the coaches are doing. Before the game Leslie Fraser was asked if he would do anything different this game based on how bad they looked at the start of the last game vs Cinci and he said no they will do what got them there. You mean the same defense that made Skylar Thompson look like a pro bowler? 3rd a 4 and they are 10 yards off the receivers? And on offense 3rd and short and they are throwing 40 yard bombs. Insanity. I don't think we have the coaches we need to get over the hump and this was the reality check we needed to have some really tough discussions this off-season and going forward. We are all happy to finally have a team that's a perennial playoff team but that's all they will ever be with this coaching staff.
  15. Nobody. Teams let you down. Just root for players
  16. Cinci going to destroy KC. Patricia can't even beat them with 2 legs. He's going to be hopping around like he's doing hop scotch
  17. They won't do anything about it because first year and he did well enough. So another wasted year next year is the problem now
  18. ATTENTION HOMERS. You can still love this team and be critical. The offensive and defensive game plans for this game was embarrassing. McDermott has shown to be a terrible game manager with the game on the line. How many years are we going to put up with this? We are wasting Josh Allen's talent. No other top QB has a good defense like we do and the COACHES have blown it year after year
  19. 1st and goal- run for -2 (waste of a play because the closer you get the harder to throw) 2nd and goal- throw for 3 yards (waste of a play because you are just shortening the field same as before) 3rd and goal - throw a 50/50 jump ball? Would love to play Madden against Dorsey. He's a friggin newb
  20. Bengals happy to take the 7 yard play. Josh needs to complete 30 yard passes. In the snow. That's the difference right now
  21. Hate to let you in on a secret but every team does this including the Bengals
  22. The Bills have a coordinator problem. One of the worst OC's in the league but what can you do, you can't fire him after 1 year. Also they have a DC that needs to be put out to pasture but he does well enough with "bend don't break where they only give up 20 points a game (against mostly bad teams). They can't win big games like this and we will completely waste the talent this team has in the meantime
  23. They can adjust in the off-season because this is the last game of the year with these kinds of calls
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