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Everything posted by K D

  1. Lamar's going to get tagged. Is he going to sit out the whole year? He's not getting the money as a 26 yr old RB, is he going to get it as a 27 yr old RB? Didn't we already go through this with Leveon Bell?
  2. He's a top 10 RB all time in NFL history and he might be #1 on the list of best Buffalo seasons ever. He also likes to murder but that's besides the point.
  3. Bobby Trees would be a good #3 if we moved on from Gabe but we need a #2 or maybe a #1 if Diggs wants to leave
  4. He already signed his big contract. Too late now, too big of a cap hit. If this was last year there could have been something to it. There's no amount of picks that could replace this guy plus be worth it considering the cap issues
  5. Initially hating the Josh pick makes you a rational thinker, not an irrational nut job as some will lead you to believe. And because he's good now doesn't make everyone who thought otherwise stupid. He's literally a unicorn. Good for us all!
  6. The cheaper ones are going to be more likely to re-sign but doesn't correspond to need or talent. If they can get X player at vet min then they are likely to sign them as they are a known commodity even if they aren't necessarily a good player and perhaps they are secretly hoping they get beat out in camp
  7. It was the result of a move that I saw as possibly setting this team back 4-5 years after already 20+ years of this nonsense, which I think when put in those terms is understandable given the circumstances. No previous metrics or analysis could have predicted this outcome. Josh is 1 of 1. We essentially hit the lottery. Even worse than him being a total bust would have been if he was akin to Daniel Jones and getting a $40+ million a year contract. That was actually my worst fear and was still a strong possibility even after his first 2 seasons. "Well he's good enough" and "we haven't had anyone better in a long time" is the precursor to mediocrity.
  8. I took a year off and then the Bills started playing well and it sucked me right back in 😈
  9. This will be Diggs' last year here if we don't win the super bowl. There's no way we are sitting here again next off-season and he's happy about where he is if we don't win it. They might be able to get him back on the same page for this year but not after that if we keep losing in the playoffs
  10. At this point why wouldn't you claim certain groups if it helps put food on the table? I'd probably get a promotion at work. It clearly kept this girl employed for the past decade plus. Or how about we stop this nonsense and judge people by who they are and not the color of their skin?
  11. You know what they say... You only live once in Ohio!
  12. On urban vs suburbs debate - the answer is neither. I've lived in both and now I live rural and you need binoculars to see my closest neighbor. It's amazing, I could never go back to the cookie cutter development or the disgusting city. Wish I would have made the move sooner but you don't know what you don't know and not growing up in the country it was unknown to me but it's home now!
  13. I had a dream that Edmunds went to Baltimore and I'm like what the heck they just signed their LB to big money already. But if they don't sign Lamar maybe they are loading up on defense instead and hope to win games 3-0 lol
  14. The refs should have lifelines. Poll the fans, phone a friend, or 50/50.
  15. Ok but the problem is that a competent coaching staff would see what the other team is doing and counter that. We have like 4 former OC's on the team. How did these problems not get addressed? Case in point, the super bowl. Andy Reid sees that when the KC receiver goes in motion they are passing them off to the inside guy man-to-man so he easily countered that by having the guy fake motion and then go out to the flat. Wide open for 2 TD's. Our OC could never...
  16. Here you go: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/11/01/donald-trump-african-american-black-economic-progress-vote-column/6081310002/
  17. It was and it's a case of GM's overthinking it. Every year there is someone where fans are like omg how is this guy still available and then of course that guy goes on to be a star. It's just football, pick the best football player
  18. If Lamar gets traded doesn't that make Baltimore a top spot for a veteran QB? They have a good defense and have routinely been a playoff team. Someone like Carr would prefer to go there over the Jets I'm assuming
  19. It's his overall measurables that are absolutely off the charts which made him comparable and arguably better prospect than Julio Jones who was the #6 overall pick in his draft and that was considered him sliding and Atlanta traded up for him as a result. For the Bills, who didn't have Diggs at the time, to pass on Metcalf twice was completely unfathomable. Every NFL fan knew it at the time and it's still true today. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2019/3/3/18247898/dk-metcalf-2019-nfl-combine-superhero-performance-40-vertical
  20. I think this video is fake but his athleticism is not. Can you imagine 32 teams watching this guy at the combine put up arguably the best numbers ever and then passing on him? There are a lot of stupid people in this world and I'm reminded of it every day
  21. I chose the last option, but I do think one of them will statistically win one eventually, I just might not be alive to see it happen 😔
  22. I think if all he cares about is money, he will find someone willing to pay stupidly uhh I mean handsomely
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