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Everything posted by K D

  1. I think we found another guy that likes to dance on TikTok... 😂 If that was your wife or gf I think you would feel different, that's a pretty bad take Wtf? Someone does that to my wife and jail would be the safest place for them
  2. I heard Bryce Young wipes back to front. It's a legitimate health concern for teams
  3. Where are all of the Fins fans who said Tua was MVP and better than Josh Allen?
  4. Someone being fat doesn't put other people in danger like idiot teenagers driving Ferraris 120 mph in the opposite lane into oncoming traffic. If it was you or one of your family members killed you would think about it differently
  5. I don't think 16 year olds should drive at all and 18 year olds should not have Ferraris. Your brain isn't fully developed until 25 and you can't rent a car until that age
  6. These are probably the slowest cars on the team. Begs the question, is it a good idea for 18-21 yr olds to be paid NIL deals and given free cars? Are they mature enough to have some of these faster cars as their first car? Seems like a bad idea
  7. I think it will be either Keenum, Trubisky, or Darnold, in that order. Depends on who wants to have a backup job with not much opportunity to play for the cheapest $
  8. "I know it was you who didn't sand that field. You broke my heart!"💔
  9. In consecutive years it will have been Special Teams, DC, then of course OC next. Then no more McDermott in 2 years as they will have run out of people to fire
  10. Snyder would have been out a long time ago if he didn't have dirt on Goodell.
  11. Dems - let's tax the rich! The rich - I'm moving Dems - uhhh let's tax the middle class! Middle class disappears Dems - who else can we tax? Not well thought out, same as 99% of the liberal policies.
  12. So Fauci unleashed a virus that killed millions of people? Surely he will be prosecuted, right?
  13. This needed its own thread? A guy in the wrong state used the same meme as his avatar?
  14. The billionaires who are only paying for 40% of the stadium can't afford one apparently. What's a couple hundred mil extra between friends?
  15. I will have no trouble booing for him. We helped him just as much as he helped us. If it's "just business" to him then he will understand and have no hard feelings
  16. It's the opposite of Miami. When it's cold you actually want to be on the sunny sideline! Put the Fins in the shade and run cold water lines under their bench
  17. Definitely not the norm for these players, but that should certainly be the goal. They have access to top financial advisors, they should in theory be able to do better than the average Joe. If you own assets that appreciate and invest wisely that can easily be obtainable. He's perhaps spent a lot of money but he's also seemingly had his money work for him which is just the right way to do things.
  18. So Von can't take a pic with someone without it being "this guy is coming to the Bills"? Big money spent on a RB (not that we have any money) would be less touches for Josh and Diggs. Money would be much better spent on a 2nd good WR. Hopkins or someone of that caliber. Any RB is fine, that's really the least of our worries. We need someone else to throw to and a better OL so we have time to throw it
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