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Everything posted by K D

  1. One of the worst takes I've seen on this. Didn't this guy used to be funny? Just pay someone whatever they want otherwise you are a racist? When the highest paid QB is black and Lamar is trying to copy a fully guaranteed contract from another black QB? Embarrassing. People need to vilify such race bating posts
  2. No but that's the one they decided to normalize so these people think it's ok to do pretend they are a boy one day and a girl the next and then they don't seek the help they need. If you try and help these people they will say you are transphobic and you will be cancelled and fired from your job. These people are having serious mental breakdowns and the world is just like leave them alone they are fine it's ok to be whatever you want. What's next? Pedophiles are ok because love is love? Schizophrenia is ok because personalities are fluid? Yikes
  3. Yes we need to get insane people off the streets. I agree. These people think they are multiple genders at the same time and the government and mainstream media wants us to think this is normal behavior. It's sad, these people need help
  4. I own lots of guns and have never shot someone and hopefully will never. I also own lots of hammers and have never hit someone with one. A gun is a tool, it only does what you want it to do
  5. It's enticing to say take away the guns from the mentally disturbed (they/thems). But then they will change the rules on normal folks and say if you are taking X medication then you can't own a gun or if you attended a political rally then you are a domestic terrorist etc. That gives up too much power and it's a slippery slope. Additionally, if you know they will take your guns you will be less likely to seek help for mental illness. And these people need all the help they can get!
  6. If a girl wants to be a boy then do whatever you want. But you will never be a man. That's something that is earned.
  7. They used the current troughs as inspiration. This is v2.0 of the design
  8. Blasphemy! And during Lent! You can't like Pats players until after they leave the team. Sinner
  9. My mistake, I guess the model has been out for a while because my grandma already has one. Looks like they are playing the Browns 🤔
  10. What's the prize if we get to page 200? The train is slowing down but 1 juicy Twitter post could be like rocket fuel. If Hopkins posts a picture eating chicken wings or beef on weck, sky's the limit
  11. Wow, they are already selling models of the new Bills stadium on Amazon!! https://a.co/d/6rycUg5
  12. Atlanta aka whoever gives me the most $ Atlanta doesn't even believe in Atlanta, what a joke
  13. That's what I was referencing lol. Is Clubber Lang available? Maybe we can get him as a blocking TE. Probably better than what we have
  14. If the Bills really go into the season with these receivers then teams will double team Diggs and he will get frustrated and have a temper tantrum and demand a trade. This is not going to end well. If you want to keep Diggs then you need another receiver
  15. Beane says he is happy with his receiving corps? And the replacement MLB is already on the team? Yikes, no wonder Vegas has us at 10.5 wins
  16. That's 4 time MVP hippy shroom eating freak to you sir!
  17. Loser. Anyone who has a chance to play for a super bowl and goes back to a non-contending team isn't anyone we want on this team anyhow
  18. Bills missed their Super Bowl window and are in decline
  19. This has Jeudy (tied 24) and Hopkins (26) ranked pretty much the same. Jeudy gets open more and slightly better yac. But Hopkins has unreal hands, among the best in the league. The issue Bills receivers had last year was drops
  20. It was already reported that the Cardinals know they can't get a 2nd. This guy has been wrong a lot lately. He is just reposting what other people say and acting like he's an insider
  21. Wouldn't want him anyways. If he signed with Tampa then he's not a winner. They are rebuilding. All he cares about is being comfortable. He's like the people in the real world that are in the same job for 25-30 years and just waiting for retirement. They are comfortable and just kind of zone out and talk about their pension kicking in soon. I wouldn't want that person on my team
  22. Not a tennis fan? Our owners are not on that plane, they are in Miami currently
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