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Everything posted by K D

  1. The irony is if this hits 200 pages it's because we are not getting him and this thread dragged on way too long because neither side is engaged in any trade talks. If we were getting him we would have had him by page 100
  2. Lamar is not a good passer and OBJ is washed. That's a lot of money to spend for a team that is hoping to sneak into a wildcard spot. Interested to see what happens with Lamar's contract now. If he's under the tag does he skip the entire preseason and then show up out of shape and out of sync with the offense? This could be a disaster for everyone involved
  3. Beaten by men in the pool, now beaten by men in the streets. Could you imagine if the roles were reversed and she had attacked a trans person? It would be national news. What a double standard. Trans privilege indeed
  4. Throw this guy in jail. He clearly isn't learning any lessons. He keeps skating on these charges. His crimes keep getting worse and worse too. He shouldn't have even had a career to begin with. He makes Ray Rice look like a choir boy
  5. If the Bills are trying to move up I doubt it's for a single player. They probably only have 20-25 guys rated as 1st round talents. Once it becomes unlikely one of those guys will fall to them then they might try and trade up. Beane would be negligent if he didn't reach out now to see who is interested in moving and who isn't. He is probably reaching out to examine trade back possibilities too. If all of those 1st round guys are gone maybe he tries to move back and get another 3rd or 4th round pick to use as ammo to move up later
  6. Rookie receivers are usually terrible. I don't know if there is a rookie in this class that would even start for us. If he's playing it's because they spent such a high pick that they have to
  7. I agree. Questions like where am I and how do you walk up these stairs? C'mon man. I don't think Damar plays this year or maybe ever. We just signed that guy from the Rams so I don't think Damar would even make the team. Maybe they will make a special injury designation for him and he can keep working back towards it or at least get his medical benefits.
  8. Hasn't Damar been through enough? The poor kid died on the field and now he has to be paraded around like a mascot and get sniffed by some old grandpa with hairy legs who says he can't believe how clean and well spoken he is
  9. Gen Z will grow up to be more and more conservative just like the millennials did. It wasn't too long ago that people were probably saying the same things about millennials but the older you get the more conservative you typically get because you are working hard and you don't want to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back by paying the way of idiots that don't work or people that take advantage of the system and you want the world to be more like the way it was when you were a kid so that your kids can have the same good life
  10. Hamlin is a mascot at this point. There's zero chance he plays this year and very slim that he ever plays. Do you think he wants to make $700k as a 3rd string safety? His future is like Kapernick, he can make more money doing appearances like today
  11. Haven't followed this thread but how could this guy not be the pick if he's available? I see them saying he's possibly a 2nd round guy. Sometimes these scouts overthink it. He's a very good player. He has the size and if he's a little slow then you make up for that with instincts. From watching his videos it looks like he has a good feel for the flow of the play and he fills the holes (that's what she said). Something Edmunds could never do despite how they told us for years how much potential he had
  12. A semi auto AR-15 is not a weapon of war. They make better stuff if there was actually a war. Who is fighting on the side of confiscating guns from law abiding citizens in your pretend war? Who do you think makes up the US Army? Boys from out my way or skinny vegetarian woke weenies from the city?
  13. Right, I think AR sales went UP after they were banned in NY lol. You can buy the lower and build your own and nobody knows and sheriff's don't care
  14. What hate group is in my backyard? I shoot from my deck. How would they know if that's an AR or a bolt action 308? The point is they will never be able to ban AR's without also banning other semi auto guns which also could not happen because nobody would comply
  15. They should give Biden a kickback. He's the #1 salesman in the industry. Every time he says we need bans the sales go through the roof!
  16. My wife's co-worker put her down as a reference for her permit and the officer called to ask about her and he then told my wife that she should get hers too as they are trying to make it harder and harder and the queue is getting longer and longer. He's never seen so much interest before. So this is definitely backfiring on the anti-gun crowd
  17. Exactly, all an attempted ban would do is make honest law abiding citizens felons over night. The country is going to go to war with their own citizens? I think they need to rethink their approach lol
  18. Yep if you live in the country you just need some land and a tractor to make a berm! Also as already mentioned, who is going to enforce the ban? Local sheriff's won't. And you are going to find where they are buried on Ryno's 30 acres? Is the FBI going to metal detect everyone's property? This is nonsense. Keep threatening to ban and increasing sales in the meantime. Seems counterproductive to me.
  19. Lol I'm guessing you live in a city? The entire country is a shooting range. Good luck with that
  20. And I'm sure the criminals will gladly turn theirs in because they love to follow the law 😂
  21. It's a different game now. If Josh put up Jim's stats we would be wondering if we should be looking at QB's in the draft. You want to take the ball out of your best players hands? No thanks. Jim should sit this one out
  22. Fyi in case people aren't aware...every time Dems talk about banning guns guess what happens to gun sales? People who don't even need or want them are buying AR-15's just in case now. If you want less guns out there you should probably stop threatening to make them illegal
  23. I'll take something that won't be on the news tonight for $100... Welcome to America where a he/she shoots up a Christian school and the White House puts out a statement saying trans people are under attack and the Buffalo Bills put out a statement saying Stop Antisemitism but nothing on stopping crimes committed against Christians
  24. Absolutely. Unless people speak out against such nonsense then the real unjust situations in the world will never be taken seriously
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