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Everything posted by K D

  1. Jeter has the gift basket parting gift reportedly lol. What a move. Only a handful of men could pull that off
  2. My fully hetero married for 50 years uncle saw Jeter up close and wouldn't stop talking about how good looking he was for months. The women love Josh but even the men are like daaamn when they see Jeter
  3. I think the Bills will add someone but like Shakir and Gabe they won't be a #2 or what we need in a 1B option next to Diggs. We will have a team full of "just a guy"' and we don't need a bunch of WR3-5
  4. If you are funny and have money you are all set! Women care much less about looks than men care about a woman's looks. Everyone online uses filters anyhow, nobody looks like their pics
  5. Chosen Anderson < Chosen Rosen
  6. I would normally say this was all 100% nonsense but she did unfollow him and Diggs and the Buffalo Bills on Instagram. There's definitely something going on, whether they are on a break or what. He's been doing the golf thing and training and she's been on girl trips. I don't know if it's as crazy as some of these stories but now I do believe something is going on. But that's none of my business...
  7. Josh lives in the middle of nowhere on 40+ acres. He could play Guitar Hero naked on full blast in his backyard and nobody would know Every story here is a friend of a friend. It all probably goes back to some 12 year old posting something on Twitter after the Bengals loss and people running with it
  8. Ah did not realize you meant by RAS. I thought undersized. How about Steve Smith?
  9. Beane just messing around with the madden create-a-player again
  10. Bills are the 3rd best team in the AFC now. The division is no longer a lock. They are still a playoff team so they have a chance technically. So what does it take to win the super bowl? You are going to have to beat KC in KC and Cinci in Cinci in the playoffs. Mahomes and Burrow back to back most likely. Regular season is less important now. They don't have much of a shot at home field imo. Everyone has to be healthy and you have to play your best ball in January
  11. All self made rich people are cheap. How do you think they got rich? By spending all of their money? Wake me up when Terry pays more than half of the cost of the stadium or puts a dome on it!
  12. A broken clock is right twice a day. I'd put more faith in the clock than any "insider" on Twitter
  13. The title is misleading to the say the least, annoying to say the most
  14. Tua looking like one of those crash test dummies to me
  15. It makes up the vast majority of gun related deaths that they then use as evidence to try and get guns banned so yes it's worth mentioning
  16. The the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. I think some accountability is needed here and in our society as a whole. If you go out clubbing all night it's not going to take some kind of weird conspiracy situation to get you intoxicated enough to walk into oncoming traffic or a truck that has faulty brakes. But whatever it takes for them to get some money out of the insurance company I guess
  17. I used to be against guns when I was younger and then I grew up. I got robbed and mugged and now I have one at all times. It took the cops 2 hours to show up as we were hiding in a locked bedroom. Never again. I also used to consider myself a liberal and then I grew up. Funny how that works.
  18. Thanks for pointing out how hilariously stupid people on Twitter are. I'm picturing this 3rd grade teacher looking like Rambo trying to teach multiplication tables. For schools it's simple. 1 entryway that's locked down at all times and protected by armed security. If trained teachers want to have a pistol locked away safely in your classroom then so be it, if not then don't. It's about having the freedom to choose. To take it so literal that this dumb woman thinks she needs an AR-15 on her at all times is mind numbingly painful to read.
  19. There have probably been 5 shootings in Chicago and Detroit alone since this news broke and we will never hear about them for obvious reasons
  20. 1 year later update... Essentially Haskins' estate is suing the truck driver that hit him for the truck being in poor condition and that's why it didn't stop in time and additionally they believe Haskins was drugged in an attempted robbery and that's why he was walking around the middle of the highway. Just a very sad and bizarre story that just keeps getting weirder
  21. Fair enough but the contract will still be the sticking point as the player wants all of his money plus a better team. Nobody wants to touch that contract. Until Hopkins decides he wants to make it work or the Cardinals are willing to eat some of the money I don't think a deal gets done and it's more likely he is released than traded. My point was there are probably zero conversations happening currently and that's why the thread has dragged on so long. We are at a stalemate
  22. Incoming OBJ with 600 yards receiving and 4 TD's this year. He's washed and that offense doesn't throw the ball. It was always going to be all about the money for him
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