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Everything posted by K D

  1. You are absolutely correct. I would never take my car to a dealership. It costs twice as much as an independent mechanic who I know and trust. But I usually just fix the car myself because I'm not a moron. I haven't been to a doctor in years. I work out every day and I have a super strict diet and I never take any prescription medicine. I got Covid once and was sick for 3 days and before that I don't remember the last time I even had a cold. Big pharma wants you hooked on prescription meds and they give kickbacks to doctors to do so. Is that even a question anymore? That's pretty well documented. Whatever the mainstream way of doing things is it's usually wrong. There's however many billions of people on this planet and most of them are idiots. If you want to be a part of the herd then good for you. Whatever it is that most people do I'll gladly do the opposite.
  2. The guy they try to throw in jail, remove from the ballot, assassinate, spend every waking second trying to run propaganda against in the media and big tech...that's the guy for me! It will only slow the inevitable because we have brain dead morons in this country (and on this forum) but maybe just maybe we can still have a country for the better part of my lifetime if we screw up their plans just a little bit.
  3. If we wanted a list of the "Swamp" we now have it. Looking forward to the end of these folks' political careers
  4. My fear is of the 5% polling for RFK only 1-2% of that finds its way to Trump. 3rd party voters like voting for 3rd party because rock n roll and screw the man etc etc.
  5. They had it at like 94% chance from some poll I saw. Are you taking the under?
  6. Climate change is real. We had an ice age not that long ago in the scope of things. The climate changes all the time. What's fake is that you think giving Dems more money in bills that also include money for Ukraine and migrants is going to change anything. The party that doesn't know what a woman is can change the weather. Science
  7. Double-wide or single axle? What if you have a trailer for your wife but then also another one next door for your baby mama? Can you only claim the primary residence? There's a lot to consider here We don't want no baby mama drama!
  8. He can get far more done working with Trump than he can not being in office at all. It seems like a no brainer but the libertarian guys are all about "screw the 2 party system" so it's a hard sell. Except that Trump is not a Republican so if you realize that then maybe it will sting a little less. Because there's only 2 parties then you would be an idiot to not join up with 1 of the parties if you want to enact change
  9. I can't post online if I do or don't have crypto but if I did I might be considering the same except that I also have a business and a good amount of real estate which would also be subject to those taxes. They also want to get rid of 1031 exchanges so I may need to do something about that before they change those rules.
  10. I don't think Stein's own parents are even voting for Stein
  11. Dems are so friggin stupid I can't handle it. Say you are a billionaire and the US passes this tax. Why wouldn't you just move to the Bahamas? Or anywhere on earth you want to live. By trying to scam rich people for a little more money you are just going to make them leave and then you get NOTHING!
  12. He would be wise to join Trump but I think his followers want to throw their vote away in hopes it inspires the creation of a new party. I'm not sure how getting 5% of the vote will do that. I think he will get slightly more votes than "Deez Nuts" unfortunately for him.
  13. If you acknowledge that many rich people may have literally millions in debt then who do you think benefits most with lower rates? Some derpy doo with $1,000 in credit card debt or someone like Bill Gates who likely has billions in debt that he can refinance? Your point was that it more favorably benefits normal people and that's absolutely false. Rich people have a better debt to income ratio sure but that's not what we are talking about. Rich people about to get richer in Sept
  14. Lol uhh what? Have you been listening to Dave Ramsey? Debt is how you get rich. You use other people's money to leverage. The richest people have by far the most debt. Elon Musk probably has more debt than entire countries.
  15. That looks like more of a woman than Michael Obama
  16. I thought this was only for people with net worth over $100 million? If this is for everyone then we will have a civil war. I doubt anyone would pay it and then what
  17. Have the election on X and we will get the results immediately. This is the only poll I trust
  18. I think if it was true he would have to refute it anyhow so who knows what the truth is. He might be a grifter looking for power however he can get it. Or maybe a negotiating tactic to get a better position in the Trump administration. I could see him being AG and going after Fauci lol
  19. He was an assistant coach for 1 year. He was a glorified ball boy
  20. He refuted that report but who knows
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