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Everything posted by K D

  1. Thursday games are almost always trash and the players hate them. It's all about the $
  2. I prefer the RB taking over as 3rd string QB and running wildcat. More interesting. 3rd string QB's are garbage anyhow
  3. Misread it. So he signed off and then killed himself immediately. Still sad
  4. That was his last tweet in March then he killed himself 2 months later
  5. They don't want to actually help these people. They just want people to think they do so they vote for them. AOC and Sharpton there for their photo op and then everything goes back to how it was. God forbid someone tries to protect themselves, especially if they are white. We are just supposed to lay down and take it apparently
  6. I didn't know who this was so I read through the comments. I guess people were mean to him and drove him off of social media and then he ended his own life. Incredibly sad to read that especially when there's kids involved. Absolutely heartbreaking. RIP
  7. Fine but once he turns 28 it's over
  8. The only qualifications to be a backup QB for the Bills - 1. Are you friends with Josh Allen? 2. Do you golf?
  9. If any of you have ever traveled abroad it's incredibly interesting how most people have no idea what the NFL is. It's so big here that it seems unfathomable that people don't even know what it is. They have heard of "American" football but don't know teams or players and are shocked at how much these guys make. I think football is slowly dying at the youth level here in the US. A good injection of foreign talent might be needed for it to survive future generations
  10. Edited my comment, perhaps a bit intense, thanks for the feedback
  11. The trans community has finally contributed to society in a positive way. They renovated our office and so not to offend anyone there are no longer men's and women's bathrooms. They have installed private unisex bathrooms and I'm loving it. You will probably see me get to post more during normal business hours now. Very relaxing in here
  12. I don't think we will have a country anymore if we have 4 more years of Joe n the Hoe
  13. It's not ok to grab women by the neck and forcibly kiss them. If someone tried that on my wife or family member, jail would be the appropriate place for them.
  14. He ain't go there to play no school! John Hancock?...it's Herbie Hancock!
  15. Take it 1 step further...the young at heart people will identify as 12 year olds so they can date other 12 year olds. That's coming next. And the pedos will say "love is love." Hopefully this world ends before it goes that far but that's the next step for these psychos
  16. You are talking about 0.0001% of the population. Meanwhile as much as 30% of gen Y says they are non-binary. There's a lot of lost people in this world
  17. If he makes the team do they play the Bowser melody when he does something good?
  18. Three letters... N D A She could be going on every podcast there is saying how much of a dirtbag he is potentially which would hurt his brand.
  19. They were gassed in week 17 too? Because it looked exactly the same Sounds like an excuse to me
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