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Everything posted by K D

  1. Anyone who is against this ruling... You are a RACIST. We have no use for your kind in our society. We are all HUMANS, stop trying to segregate us. Common sense has prevailed today!
  2. And the irony is that this was negatively impacting ASIAN Americans more than any other group. Don't they want to stop Asian hate? I thought that was a thing
  3. Awesome news! Absolutely common sense. Racism sucks! Nobody should be judged by the color of their skin. This is a great day and I hope this ruling has a lasting impact on other race based nonsense laws in this country. I hope for a day where we are all just considered HUMANS and skin color is never mentioned again
  4. The responses seem to be "I think so and so may start some games or play a lot." Is that really the standard you want from 3 years of draft picks? "Some of them might play at some point." Yikes guys. Too many people with their heads in the clouds here
  5. The Bills have to keep reaching into the veteran scrap pile because whether anyone here wants to admit it or not they have had terrible drafts. How many of their 2021-2023 draft picks will start this year? The answer is likely ZERO
  6. You should want as much negative media as possible. Players and coaches see this and this fuels them. For us fans, does it matter what so and so says or does it matter at the end of the season who has the Lombardi?
  7. I don't think any 2022 draft picks start this year. Ouch! Go Bills?
  8. The Pats would be better than us on offense? Hmm nope!
  9. I hope he signs with Pats for less $ than he was getting in AZ and then Pats miss the playoffs (obviously) and then AZ sneaks in. Would be hilarious
  10. This might be crazy but what if the Bills had RED helmets? Sorry for the bad photo edit. I don't have ms paint ☹️
  11. Will the Aug 4 practice at the stadium be available today or is that a separate day they do that?
  12. It makes me sad that you would have to buy tickets. I remember the good old days when you could decide last min let's take a ride down Fredonia and you pull right in and stand an arm's length away from future hall of famers. Kids going to Rochester will never understand that kind of access. It's all commercialized now. And then people scalping PRACTICE tickets. Disgusting
  13. You can love your team and still be an honest critical thinker. If every reply is "omg this team is amazing" then this would be a pretty boring place.
  14. They need all the help they can get. They are loading up at RB and hoping for another windy day in Buffalo
  15. We already have been. They didn't seem to notice
  16. Only a bunch of homers would assume a local radio station should choose their team over other teams just because it's the local team. Miami is a good team. We are a good team. The Jets might also now be a good team, we don't know. It's all speculation and opinions until they actually play so the point is nobody knows. This thread is an embarrassment
  17. He did lose flexibility in that he can't be traded now. He did it (reportedly) so they could add Hopkins so teams would stop double teaming him and then the Bills didn't so now he feels duped.
  18. Repeat offender. Suspend him for the season!
  19. I'm never wrong but sometimes there are glitches in the matrix
  20. He should probably not be suggesting the Pats have best of anything. They are a .500 team if they are lucky. They are basically the Bills for 20 years without a QB. Belichick is basically Rex Ryan without Brady. Their entire organization is a joke and was built on the back of the greatest QB of all time. The "Patriot Way" was just the "Tom Brady is the best player in the league" way. Anyone who goes there to play goes into obscurity. The bottom feeders of the AFC East. I love it
  21. This guy is a clown. Wasn't he "recruiting" last off-season too? How well did that work out for the *Pats? They are a joke and I love it. Hopkins will be the next Julio Jones if he goes there. Irrelevant
  22. If you are an ADULT and you want to pay a fortune to chop off your junk and get a nice rack then it's your money do what you want! The key word here is ADULT! My nephew keeps getting in trouble at school because he thinks he's a T-Rex. Now just imagine if the teachers got together and told him yes you can be a T-Rex that's totally normal and we will find a doctor for you to get you some teeth implants and chop off your arms so you have little T-Rex nubs and let's not tell your parents about it. That's exactly what's happening in schools across the nation. It's disgusting. Leave the kids alone, they don't know any better
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