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Everything posted by K D

  1. Deals like this show such little foresight. Is Hopkins currently a HOF'er? I would say no. 1 Super Bowl and all of a sudden he is. Over the course of their life don't you think a HOF'er easily makes up the $ difference between signing with a good team and a bad team? Appearances, media deals, endorsements etc. Seems like a no brainer to me. We will never hear from Hopkins again now
  2. Enjoy your Pete Gogolak jersey. Oh wait, nobody in the world will ever buy one but meanwhile Hamlin has the #2 best selling jersey on the team and there's literally thousands of them? 🤔 I'm pretty sure the title said "which Bills jersey to buy for every number" but was then later edited. If not then maybe I'm crazy because that's how I read it for some reason when I originally posted
  3. Uhhh #3 is Damar Hamlin and was the next highest selling jersey besides Josh Allen I believe
  4. 20 something year old talking crap online. He must be the only one. I don't think I've ever seen that before
  5. Fyi I broke this story 2 months before the so called professionals 😋... https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/246309-brady-allegedly-hedging-on-retirement/?do=findComment&comment=8305184
  6. I think he lives in Ft Lauderdale
  7. For 4 games *IF* caught you would be pretty stupid not to do PED's if you are a big dude with any shot of being pro. They don't test for it in high school or college then by the time you are a pro you pretty much know the testing window so you can blast and cruise. People think once you are off gear that you lose your muscle/strength and that's not true. You keep a lot of it if you continue to train. There's also a lot of stuff you can take that helps in recovery and healing that I'm sure a lot of these guys take immediately after the season and then stop before the testing window begins. They only test players April-Aug as far as I know.
  8. Seems like common sense to me. Who would have a problem with these laws? 🤔
  9. They are on local TV. I haven't had cable for at least a decade.
  10. Great news! I'm happily paying my student loans. I don't need the government to do anything except build roads and uphold the law. They knew this was going to fail the whole time, Biden even said so at his town hall. They passed the buck to try and make the Supreme Court look like the bad guys. Disgusting! Could you imagine if the government had the power to just nullify people's debts? People take out loans knowing full well they need to be paid back. If you are a moron then you it's your fault, nobody else's. My roommates gladly took out mountains of student debt knowing it was a low fixed rate and they would have their whole life to pay it back. One bought a motorcycle and another went on crazy spring break trips every year. The government expected me to reimburse them? Lol good one!
  11. I haven't watched ESPN in years. I see I haven't missed much 😄
  12. They have BLM in France too? So a criminal was shot by police? Maybe don't commit crimes? I've never been shot by police.
  13. Wow did Harvard just publicly state that they will be going against the SCOTUS ruling by trying to skirt the rules? Let the lawsuits commence!
  14. We wouldn't cut them out but they cut themselves out by being dirtbags/doing drugs/not working/getting arrested. Guess which side of the aisle these people are in my family
  15. This is a great day for poor Asian Americans who did everything right and then got turned down by the colleges of their choice! END ASIAN HATE
  16. Anyone who is against this ruling... You are a RACIST. We have no use for your kind in our society. We are all HUMANS, stop trying to segregate us. Common sense has prevailed today!
  17. And the irony is that this was negatively impacting ASIAN Americans more than any other group. Don't they want to stop Asian hate? I thought that was a thing
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