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  1. Bingo! You can give poor people all of the free college, DEI jobs, and reparations you want. It won't change anything. The culture of single parent households and no value put on education or personal finance and responsibility is why these people are poor and struggling. My grandparents came to this country as poor farmers with $0 in their pockets. What is this generational wealth they speak of?
  2. So this guy wanted to recruit for the war in Ukraine, meets with government insiders who likely tell him Trump will pull out of Ukraine, and next thing you know he's taking shots at him when nobody knew he was going to be there. Hmm nothing to see here....
  3. Don't forget all of the celebrities, corporations, and the alphabet agencies too They really want this to be a 1 party oligarchy
  4. What would be the preferred method? Is there a shuttle that gets you closer or should you get a rental car and park like normal in one of the lots? Every year I say I'm going to go. So maybe next year! (Or later this year in the playoffs?)
  5. My grandpa came to this country as a child and told me how he used to get in fights at school because prejudice back then was actually a real thing. He put up telephone lines during WW2 but then when he came back home he couldn't get a job at the phone company doing what he had already been doing for 4 years due to the color of his skin. Meanwhile his father didn't speak English and got roughed up by a cop one day for no good reason. The local mafioso "took care of it" for him and my grandpa remembered that his dad had to go away for a "while" (possibly a year or more, he doesn't remember). And after all of that now my grandpa is considered a racist himself? When did he become white? It would be interesting to learn how that works. He wished he was white his whole life, it would have made it much easier back then.
  6. They want Trump to talk about cats and rally crowds. Anything but talk about how Americans can't afford groceries or gas or how Kamala failed as border czar. It's all a distraction. Look at the smirk on her face when she made fun of his rally rather than answer the question about the border. Stop feeding the trolls. They don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to the ACTUAL POLICIES!
  7. As the owner of multiple businesses this socialist scheme is just going to result in fraud. If you offer to give people money for opening a fake business then they will gladly take you up on that and laugh in your face. There are books, classes, meetups, online discussions and videos, mentors, friends/family. Not everyone is meant to do this. Most people are really really stupid and lazy and that's why we have employees.
  8. It's nonsense and just an opportunity for fraud. We already have an opportunity economy. If you want to open a business then do it. There are plenty of businesses with low barriers to entry and if you need cash there's this thing called banks. If you need the government to help you then you are probably a moron and will be out of business quickly. If they are going to give businesses free grants and $50,000 tax incentives then how many "new startups" do you think there are going to be? Everyone is going to open a fake business and reap the rewards and then close it down. I could create multiple businesses which would just be a reorganization of what my businesses already do. It's a joke.
  9. This is great news. He can do everything but tackle and workout his upper body in the meantime. Can still do legs and conditioning. I wouldn't be surprised if he's back for the Houston game as he's from there and will want to play in front of friends and family
  10. Lol sure it's a generic video to nobody in particular. Let's hear him say his name. He doesn't even know that guy exists. Fake news
  11. As mentioned, you can book a room at a Trump hotel even though you are a deplorable. Would the headline be "Trump hosts gender confused lefty"?
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