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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. 7 hours ago, Chandler#81 said:

    Great stories! Thanks folks. Mine doesn’t measure up, but I’m happy I was able to make it happen. Some of you know my semi-retirement gig is Security at The Players Championship, Ponte Vedra, FL. My charming, gregarious character (No, Really! I get PAID for that gig!) has endeared me to the muckity mucks who run the show -notably, the Top Dawg who owns an ocean front mansion and rides his golf cart to work every day. He said the 5 minutes we spend chatting at 6am are his favorite part of the day! So, I put it to him that my best bud is an avid golfer, club memberships for decades and shoots near Par every time out, while being 59 y/o. I asked him what the price for 2 to play the main course (Island 17th!) was and he quickly said “let’s get past the tournament, then hit me up! I’ll set him up with one of our 2somes for a Round! WOOHOO! So, Mrs.81 & I were invited to my buds house for steaks on the grill last Saturday night and as I’m preambling this story, he catches on quick ‘I like where I think this is going!’. Should be a fantastic time! I suck at golf so I’ll just meet him at the clubhouse afterward. Tiger tearing up TPC pales in comparison to how I’d ‘tear it up’..


    Fyi, things have shifted into high gear here with the tournament just a couple weeks away. 18 wheelers bringing in tv cameras/stages/Corp sponsor booths, staff increases, workshops on rules etc., gardening contractors every day as the course has been shut down now for prep.

    I love my job!

    If you see my mom, dad, sister, and BIL there give them a hard time ?.  They'll be there on Sat and Sun.  (My sister / BIL live in Jax Beach, parents at The Villages)

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 15 hours ago, billsfanmiami(oh) said:

    Random, bored offseason topic. Scratching one off the bucket list in two weeks, heading to Pinehurst. Playing The Cradle and #8 on Saturday, then the big one #2 on Sunday. Haven’t swung a club since August & subsequent elbow surgery in September so I’m sure I’ll really rip it up. Anyone played there? How was it? 

    Haven’t played too many top courses but have played Seven Canyons in Arizona and have played the Ocean course at Kiawah, both of which were awesome. Actually had some good moments at both. What’s a couple on your golf bucket list? 

    Played #4, #7, and #8.  You could be just off the green and 3 - 4 chipping just to get back on the green.  Then you still have to putt out.  As said previously, hire a caddy if playing #2.  The Payne Stewart statue if memory serves me correct is right off the 18 green.  Main clubhouse is awesome.


    Played many Pinehurst area courses during off off season.  That area is a piece of golfing heaven.

  3. There was a news story this week about this situation.  The story indicated that to have seatbelts installed onto school buses would result in a price increase of $8000 per bus.  Yes - you saw that right.  $8000 per bus!!  Neighboring school district has approximately 120 buses.  That's an $960,000 total cost bogey.


    Also, there was consternation from bus drivers about what would happen if the bus were to roll over or go into some body of water.


    Then, how are you going to make kids put the seatbelts on?  On the other hand, some knucklehead is going to cut the belt and beat some other kid up with the buckle.

  4. On 2/6/2020 at 4:36 AM, Buffalo_Gal said:


    I asked Hubby if he did the double-sided-kiss with his father, he said yes. His father was Italian (an Italian citizen who became an American citizen). His dad died many years before I met hubby, but his uncle (father's brother) also did the double-sided-kiss with him (and me).

    Hubby's mother did the double-sided-kiss. She was French (a French citizen who became an American citizen). ALL his relatives in France do the double-sided-kiss thing with him (and me).



    Here's my question about the whole double-sided or triple-sided kiss.  Which side to you start with?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. I can vouch for the oxygen / Breck thing.  My family went out there years ago and the sea levelers were sucking air like it was going out of style.  My mom and nephew had to go on oxygen for the majority of the week.  Me - for some reason - was good to go.  I actually had to carry my 10yo nephew down the hill at Arrowhead.

  6. I said goodby to my black lab "Tex" about 10 years ago.  She was having congestive heart issues along with some other issues.  Went to a neighbor who is a vet, highly respected in the CBUS area.  He said that Tex had a few more miles left in her, so we took extra care of her.  She slowly just started to not be herself.  One night I'm sitting in the driveway watching the sun go down, beautiful sunset.  Tex got up and sat between my legs and watched the sun go down with me.  I thought that was a sign.  Checked with neighbor/vet and said it's better to be truthful than hang on to the last moment.  That's when I made the appointment.


    Added this link to story in Columbus Dispatch about pet owners choices / grief.  Ohio State’s veterinary social worker helps pet owners cope with grief, tough choices

  7. Personally, born / raised in Buffalo area (Lancaster).  College in Rochester.  Worked 10 years in Texas, 8 years in North Carolina, and have lived in Ohio 20 years.  Parents live in the Ocala FL area (The Villages) and can take it / leave it, sister lives in Jacksonville FL (been there30? years).


    There is no perfect place - either to live in or move to.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  8. Went to a OSU game this fall.  Had two way overweight individuals (one male, one female) dang near stoke out in front of me climbing the stairs of the upper deck.


    The female had to stop and collect herself every 10 steps.  She actually had to pull herself up the stairs using the handrail.


    The male was in the same situation only he didnt have to use the handrails.


    Made me very nervous watching them.



  9. 10 hours ago, JR in Pittsburgh said:

    It’s not even the bike that is expensive. You have to pay $40 per month for the classes (@Augie : same for the mirror).


    when you are paying those hefty monthly fees at that point, why not instead just join a gym and avoid the costs of the machines? 

    I’m a big “workout at home” person myself, but I have a 10-year old $300 exercise bike, some dumb bells and light weights I got for $20 off of craigslist, and a yoga app with unlimited classes where I pay $19/year. 


    FYI - the classes are not required.  I have a ProForm TdF bike/trainer and I'm not signed up for any classes.  I tee up some cycling training videos on YouTube.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, RyanC883 said:


    The part-time thing does not bother me as much as the fact they are awful.  I'm not sure, but I think college FB is part-time as well.  The problem is that there is zero accountability apparently besides not getting the "big games."  And who is grading them.  I mean, missing 12 men in a huddle should be a fine.  plain and simple.  


    I'm in the minority and didn't mind it.  It's against the Bills defense, the Ravens know they needed points, and there was a chance at catching the D sleeping.  Reminded me of Marino (I think) faking the clocking years ago.  

    Officials (not the crew, but each official on the crew) are graded on every play by the ref mgmt and NFL.  That's how they determine the playoff and Super Bowl officiating crews.  Reward the best.

  11. I've done a couple.  Couple of lessons learned (along with those already posted):


    Don't oversize the turkey with respect to the fryer "pot".

    Use the rack and hook to get the turkey in and out of the "pot".  I used a wooden paint stick and a second set of hands to manage this.

    Have your chair and beverage of choice ready to go when starting the process.

    Sit back, enjoy the time outside.


  12. On 11/17/2019 at 9:15 PM, SinceThe70s said:



    Another one from the same era. Amazing how many VW Bugs show up in these 70's car  chases.  There's also a Pinto at the beginning of this one:




    Just noticed that the driver in the Seven-Ups car is the same driver of the Challenger in Bullitt.


  13. 10 hours ago, Virgil said:

    It's hard sometimes to write these and not let my thoughts on the overall player or season creep in.  The purpose, as stated in the title, is to talk about the game as it was played, recognizing that things change from week to week in the NFL.  The other thoughts, and I assure you I have plenty of them, I think I'm going to put into another thread.  With that being said....


    1 - People talk about passing yards as a stat like they are the golden key to quarterback success in the league.  By that logic, Allen had a career day today as he through for a career high in yards while adding two rushing touchdowns.  However, Allen had an off day and, in my opinion, his least accurate day of the season.  Granted, some players didn't help Allen out with drops, but he also was throwing at players bodies or behind them on catches that were made as well.  Allen, like the rest of the offense, never seemed to get into a good rhythm today.  When they seemed like they might get something going, they'd hit a brick wall in regards to some of the play calling.  His arm was on display as he made some great 10+ yard passes that were on a rope.  He did fumble again, but I'm not going to hold that against him unless he loses it.  Allen's deep ball is also something that still hasn't come back to him, which is a major frustration point for many, especially since he's proven capable of this in the previous season.  Two of his deep balls seemed like prayers to me, but Allen missed a wide open McKenzie that would have absolutely been a touchdown.  As for the final throw on 3rd and 4, I'd love to know if that was Allen calling that play or Daboll. 


    2 - Either the play calling is bad or the execution.  As the game goes on, if the execution isn't there, then it's the coordinators job to adjust to what's working for his players.  Today, that was the deep ball on 3rd and short.  I remember at least three times where we took deep shots on 3rd and 4 or less, most importantly at the end of the game.  Why that play was called when the offense showed zero ability to execute that type of play all game and season is beyond me.  More so, on multiple plays with less than 5 yards to go, I didn't see Beasley, Singletary, or Knox running any form of shallow or crossing routes.  There's been talk of Daboll trying to be too smart or cute on certain plays, but it seemed like the Bills didn't call plays that either matched their situation nor success rate this game.


    3 - This thought fits somewhere into the first two, but I'm not sure where to put it.  In previous years, if the Bills were so much as in a 1st and 15, they might as well have brought out the punt team.  In this offense, the team shows up at their best in those situations.  On 1st and 25, Allen made two great throws to get us to 3rd and 4.  Then, we take a deep shot, miss it, and punt the ball.  This series is a perfect microcosm of our offense today.  The talent and ability is there, the execution and rhythm to keep it going is not.  Our quarterback is a gunslinger.  Our primary receiver is a burner.  Our second receiver is a possession guy who works himself into space.  Our halfback has one of the best averages per touch in the league.  We didn't play to our strengths enough to get or maintain any of those skills.


    4 - “I’ve been this close and I ain’t stoppin’ and neither should you. This is a road block. You got two choices. It can drive you to be better or you can sit here and sulk. I want guys in our program that get hungry.” 


    5 - I don't like to look at the box score after a game.  I like to write what I saw, let one of you correct me, then fix it.  For this game I had to look and I couldn't believe that Singletary only had 8 carries.  He had more passes thrown his way, but 8 carries?  I don't know their rank, but I'm pretty sure the Browns are one of the worst teams against the rush in the league and Singletary showed some good moves today.  Not giving him the ball more was a sin against football, especially after the week he had against the Redskins last week.  Like I said with points 2 and 3, we failed to utilize one of our better weapons today.  Also, Oliver's name wasn't anywhere on the box score.


    6 - Tre played a hell of a game today for a guy who was asked to do a lot.  It would be easy to look at OBJ's numbers this season and say that Tre did what everyone else did.  Today was different because the Browns were doing everything in their power to get OBJ involved.  I'm not sure how many targets he had, but he only caught 4 of them I think.  Tre made a smart penalty in the end zone, because he got beat, but overall shut him down.  I think the longest catch OBJ had was when the Bills swapped to zone and Tre wasn't within 15 yards of him.  I've been a big Milano fan, who also showed off some good stuff today, but Tre is now my MVP for the season and definitely this game.


    7 - Regardless of the outcome of the game and what you think about the overall unit, that goal line stand of 8 consecutive plays were the Browns couldn't get a positive yard was amazing.  The Browns tried every type of play they had for that situation and the Bills shut down all of them.  I'd be curious to know if there's a record for plays in situations like that as I'd like to think the Bills had it or were close.  Great job of shutting them down today in those situations, even if they did give one up at the end.  I don't blame Wallace on that TD as he was left on an island where only he and the receiver were on that side of the end zone.  With that much time, the receiver usually gets open.


    8 - If Darnold saw ghosts against the Patriots, Mayfield has been living in the Poltergeist house this season.  I've seen many games where he takes off from the pocket too early or sees a blitz that isn't there, forcing early throws.  Safety aside, great job by Edmunds, Mayfield had very little pressure on him.  In the beginning of the game, he was taking 10-12 step drops to give himself space.  As the game went one, he was able to sit in the pocket fairly clean.  Our front 4 didn't generate much of a pass rush today against an offensive line that's been shaky at best.  I'm sure McD will call it gap execution, but they also were opening up holes.  We did miss some tackles again today, one really bad by Edmunds, but this highly paid defensive line had another poor showing today.  If you want to know what a solid pass rush looks like, simply watch Miles Garrett in this game. He blew up double team blocks and came up big in crucial times.


    9 - I really hope this is the Bojo we will see for the rest of the season.  He's been crushing punts lately and really helped in the field position game today.  Genuinely impressed with the kid who I thought wouldn't last this long on the team.  I've heard rumor that his hold on the last field goal wasn't great as the laces were pointing west, but I don't know how much stock I put into that.  Hausch was a killer today.  I'm more upset about the missed field goal before half than I am at the end of the game.  I can't remember an NFL season that's had more kicker turnover within the active season than the current one, nor do I think Hausch should be cut because there isn't a clear successor available.   What's more interesting to me about our kicking game is that the McD didn't give him changes early in the game for long kicks.  From what I'm told, wind and field conditions weren't issues.  It felt like the confidence in Hausch wasn't there early and that was justified later in the game.  You never want to blame a game on the kicker, but on a team that struggles to put up 20+ points, we have to get more from him.


    10 - Today was a tough loss as it will only add fuel to the first that the Bills can't beat a team with any semblance of talent.  It hurt more than any of the other losses because, despite all the things they did wrong, they still had the lead with 6 minutes left to go.  Then, in typically Bills fashion, our defense fell apart when it mattered most.  We thought we won the game once on the Hughes play, which I have a lot of thoughts about.  Then had them at 4th and short, took a timeout to get the call right, only to give up the biggest pass of the day.  Then, we Allen gets us downfield in two big plays and we get to relax a bit knowing we will at least tie the game.  A terrible, and I mean worst call of the season, call on 3rd and 4.  Then wide left.  For a boring game with poor execution, it turned into an emotional roller-coaster in the final 6 minutes.  Sadly, we played like the .500 team we've been the past month and found a way to lose a game that neither team had any business winning.



    With that, we leave the factory of sadness and head off to Miami.  Go Bills!



    Agree with points #2 and #3 100%.

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