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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. I would check into a local tackle shop (maybe Cabela's) and see if any of those peeps would have an idea. Sometimes there's an older dude that knows someone that does this. Fly fishing / trout fishing. I did find this video - might help with finding a source.
  2. Can’t give you any help on name, but I had female lab named Texanna - Tex for short. Marv ?
  3. Never tried for the Masters, but got tickets for US Open and NCAA regionals via lottery. Think I may submit for Indy 500 next year, but the lottery there is more for seat location rather than actual ticket.
  4. Rams unis = 👎 Rams field logo = 👎 You’d think that for a stadium that cost $2B that that put some money into the marketing department. Or, they did and they did a crappy job. 🤦🏻
  5. Used the 866.595.2871 number. Spoke with Adrianna. Told her that I was a 20+ year DTV / ST subscriber. Got ST / ST Max for free. Nice - 😀
  6. I appreciate your concern for your health / well being. As an avid cyclist I will keep further comments to myself.
  7. Stage 2 melanoma survivor here. About 12 years ago. general physician noticed something during annual exam. Spot on my leg about halfway between my knee and hip. He indicated that it was some blood cells trapped under the skin, he'd remove them but he was terrible at suturing. Suggested I go to dermatologist. Somehow I get the last appointment on a Good Friday. Dermatologist says no - not trapped blood cells - need to take a biopsy. Biopsy comes back as melanoma - surgery required. I get "assigned" to the chief derm onc doc at The James Cancer Center at OSU. Me being the totally ignorant one, don't do any research beforehand. I even "argued" with the doc saying that .01mm isn't that big a deal. His comeback was - "Are you willing to give up your life for 0.01mm?" Couple of weeks later, the spot (about the size of a pencil eraser), an area of skin about 2.5 x 5.0in is removed, and a lymph node remove / checked for any progression. 15 staples later and 2 cancer checkups yearly for 3 years - all good / good to go. Now, I go through about 2 bottles of sunscreen a season. ? EasternOHBillsFan - It's good that your concerned, but rely on that power of positivity. Goes a long way. Get educated once you know what is going on.
  8. Reports are now large inventory of ammonium nitrate. Used in fertilizer. Was the same material used in OK City bombing?
  9. From Reuters - JUST IN: Lebanon's internal security chief tells reporters the blast was in a port area with highly explosive material, not explosives Hmm - I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express, but wouldn't highly explosive material be considered "explosives"?
  10. He did write a book - "Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement". I'm reading it now.
  11. Don't throw them away either. They need to be given to the proper agencies for tracing.
  12. Not sure how true this is for Columbus. Apartments and condos are being built downtown like they are going out of style. 2-3 years ago I was considering the move to downtown. Now, you can't touch a condo / townhouse downtown. Prices went out of the roof.
  13. 2 of the farmers markets that I frequent are still in operation. Both outdoors and have ample spacing between vendors. Customers and vendors must wear masks. One market limits the number of people in the shopping area. There must have been a line about 100 people deep waiting to get in. I turned around, went to my alternate market and got the stuff I wanted.
  14. Been to Brickyard 500 once and that was enough, Indy500 for about 12-15 times. Track is too big - not enough passing for NASCAR. Comes down to pit / fuel / tire strategy. Find a smaller track to watch. Agree on up high so that you can see things. And, big agree on earplugs. What's fun sometimes is getting the radio headsets and listening to the driver / crew manager talk.
  15. I send thank you cards to all of my Pelotonia donors. It’s not hard.
  16. I've throughly, and I mean throughly, cleaned the house. Top to bottom, stem to stern. I've purged through some old documents and travel brouchures. I went through my closets and dresser and got donated old clothes / shoes. I set up a nice routine working from home and extended my yoga practice. I've been getting up early each morning and work to meet my Pelotonia goal. I do wish I had picked up a book or tv series. But, I enjoy sitting outside and watch it get dark / quiet with a nice beverage.
  17. I'll continue my subscription to the Columbus Dispatch, but I question it every time I pay the bill. Same rationale as Gungy. The merged the printing Ops into Indiana with some other papers and the timing is off by a day.
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