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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. My thoughts extend to you.  I can't help much on the Buffalo front as I haven't lived there in like forever.  However, as I consider downsizing in Columbus I have been thinking of renting for a brief period of time.  Reason being is to allow me time/space to get a fresh look on the area.  As you are moving from FL to Buffalo, consider the time to maintain house / yard that could be used for other things.  Renting may be an option to consider.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Just Jack said:


    Was that the one where GL went all out for the win, while LF treated it like a slow Sunday ride?  Or was that someone else?  I remember there being one that the one rider was expected to win, so they were taking their time, drinking champagne, etc, while the person that did win went all out, knowing with a fast enough time they could win. 

    I don't recall that one.  GL was in second place going into the last stage - an individual time trial.  GL was behind LF 50 secs.  GL was one of the first to use clip on aero bars, aero helmet, wheels and did so in this ITT.  Where LF rode without the aero bars and aero helmet.  GL recovered the 50 secs and beat LF by 8 secs.  Both men rode flat out - averaging almost 32mph for 15 miles.

  3. On tv: Already suggested was Miracle on Ice, SU NCAA BB championship win.  Two new ones.

    1 - Greg Lemond beating Laurent Fignon to win the TdF by 8 secs on the last stage, which was a individual time trial.

    2 - Michael Johnson 200m / 400m gold medal wins in Atlanta.  LIke watching Secretariat.


    In person: CBJ Nick Foligno OT game winner against Pitt.  Sitting in the upper deck I could have swore that the building was shaking.


  4. My parents (both 83) were there 2 weeks ago.  They said they were the oldest customers in the place, but had a blast.  Service, food, other customers were awesome.  They split an order of wings and a small weck - plenty.  

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  5. I would have to say that would be the case for me.  At least for me, RIT was not the most "friendship building" university.  Also, I lived in apartment with 2 photo and 1 graphic art majors for 2 years.  I was in engineering.  Last year I lived off campus - rented a room.

    15 minutes ago, Another Fan said:

    I tried initially but the work/school load  crushed me.  As I said immaturity was involved as I’d have probably been better off at community college or working a year or two first.  


    Is what it is.  I can’t change the past.  

    But hey I thought maybe it might be more common than I thought 

    Your JUCO comment is spot on here.  I wish I had taken that route intitially.  After the first year at RIT, I regrouped at ECC and then went back.  WORLD of difference.

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  6. As others have said previously

    • Phil was going to make mega-$ with this league as a primary name / supporter
    • "Older" players like I Poulter and L Westwood would have made big $ because the league was set up as a 40 man / no cut.  Thus, everyone gets paid.
    • Bryson DeC and Dustin Johnson had some verbal agreement to join
    • Sponsors were backing away from Bryson and Dustin because of Saudi human rights
    • Then BDC and DJ backed off
    • The whole thing is now in the dimpster dumpster

    Phil's contention about the PGA holding way too much power over players "rights" does have some merit.  Does his play have some traction now?  We'll see.  However, Phil has pooped in his bed (PGA) now he has to smell it and sleep in it.

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