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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Two things. Live life to its fullest every day. And it's not about having what you want, it's wanting what you have.
  2. As operations will still be running, I will be manning my desk covering others as well that will be taking extended time off. I want my time off when the weather is better in OH.
  3. Small family - 7 of us. BIL and niece make chicken parm after Christmas Eve service (new last year). Afterwards, some adult beverages, euchre. Sister just moved a block and half from beach - may have to take a walk.
  4. From the video it does not look like he is going to or thinking about swinging.
  5. Wasn't moving the XP line of scrimmage supposed to do what it is doing? Making it more difficult / game changing? And don't put the XP miss all on DC. Holder never spun the ball to get the laces pointed toward the goal posts. I saw that when they showed the end zone view on the first replay. And if you cut DC, what warmed over spit kicker are you going to get off of the street? I'll keep my money on DC.
  6. The way I see it the key word is "family" of which this "girlfriend" is not. Brother needs to grow a pair and tell the young lady this.
  7. How about Purgatory?
  8. Why do you feel like you have to bring something alcoholic if you gave it up?
  9. What about bed bugs? I would think that might be a bigger problem than head lice.
  10. Well - Thank you GBID and now I need the brain bleach to remove the image of BB coming out of the cake !!
  11. I'll stay away from the whole permit / license / car deal. Have her pay for a tank of gas every other week.
  12. It worked is all about I can say. Viewing on a 16in computer monitor is not the same as a 48in HDTV. The only saving grace was that it allowed me to take the computer into the garage so that I could get some other things done while watching / listening.
  13. Can't give you any make / model recommendations, but 2 stage is the way to go. Also, and it may seem elementary, but NEVER put your hand(s) into the discharge chute while the engine is running. When my dad was showing me how to operate our blower he took a broom handle and shoved into the discharge chute. Wood chips came the opposite direction. Seemed like once a year we were taking someone to the ER because of such a thing.
  14. From Columbus-land - something had to happen. Either a trade or a coaching change. The trade side was most likely not going to happen at this time of the season as CBJ are at a point of weakness. Teams are not going throw us a life-preserver to help us - they are going to give us an anvil instead in exchange for some very promising young talent. I hope Torts can interject some fire and some discipline into the CBJ. (Hmm - where have I heard this before.) CBJ did have to give up a second round pick to get Torts as he was still under contract with VAN. Torts did sign a 3 year contract with Columbus. So, we are signed up with him long term. Unless he completely craters too. Season is young and I hope the CBJ can get this stabilized and show direction.
  15. Just don't let all this goodwill go to your head!!
  16. Woot woot!! The power of a bunch of football loving knuckleheads amazes once again!!
  17. Get well soon Bill! It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
  18. Great find and enjoyed reading it.
  19. No - I don't give him props for being a big fat pig. That he is doing something to better himself, physically and mentally. And the life change - divorce.
  20. I'll tell you what, the physical side of the practice has helped me big time as I sit virtually all day and with all the cycling I do it keeps my hips, hamstrings, back, and core in shape. Plus, the mental side has assisted me with a major life change that I am going through.
  21. Using the wall helps align the hips so that they are vertical or stacked on top of each other. And it does help with the balance. There should be just a small amount of pressure on the alignment block, but for a guy that size . . . I give him all the props in the world!!
  22. Half moon pose. Well done, even for someone that size!! I even struggle with that. Skiing, cycling, surfing, those type of activities are all balance related which make balance poses a bit easier.
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