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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Got about 3 hours sleep. Normally 6.5. This afternoon is going to be a struggle.
  2. Good find / good read. How many of us would make that kind of decision?
  3. Or Senior Tour events.
  4. What about: "Get busy living, or get busy dying." or "Rosebud." or "Toga! Toga!" or "Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a miracle. . . It's in the hole, It's in the hole, It's in the hole."
  5. Worked for Sq D at that time. We sponsored the 55 car driven by Bobby Hamilton. Remember watching intensely thinking we had a top 5 chance and then seeing DE rolling up the track into the wall. It was a pretty quiet in the office and shop on Monday.
  6. Where in NC / what course?
  7. Weightlifting, or track and field, or . . . .
  8. Don't put all of us in the hate pool. Some of us still use 100% human power.
  9. This article says it all . . . . http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2016/01/31/all-star-mvp-john-scott-saved-hockey-for-a-day-arthur.html
  10. Was on standby at the Bowmansville fire department for 4 days. Slept on the hose bed of the trucks. Walked home after 4 days.
  11. I would have to say my yoga practice. Ya'll will say that I am only there for the scenery, but I think it may have helped me more mentally over this past year. It definitely has helped me physically.
  12. Had the same issue with my Lab. Wound up asking the vet how they do it. Just get their mouth open with one hand and get the pill on the back side of their tongue with the other. Takes a bit of practice.
  13. Crazy in a good way or crazy in a bad way?
  14. There is a blast from the past. Godspeed Lou.
  15. Place sells out every day with a line waiting to place order. Sometimes early, sometimes later in the day. But, everyday gone.
  16. How many of us watched "Grizzly Adams" and thought we would like to be like him?
  17. Similar concept, different food, here in Columbus. Place is called Hot Chicken Takeover. Moved from a food truck, to a popup building open only on weekends, to a space in the Farmer's Market downtown. They make only a certain amount of chicken (at different degrees of spice), with the sides only being mac / cheese, cole slaw, and waffles. Tea, water is free. Initially, the place was only open Wed - Fri. Now they are open Wed - Sun. They are very community oriented and have picked up a bunch of recognition. http://hotchickentakeover.com/
  18. God - I hope not Remember seeing some report recently that the one in Delaware OH was going to install some sort of electronic measuring system that would block off the intersection.
  19. NFL stands for Not For Long.
  20. I know of that one when I lived in Raleigh. There is also a very similar on in Delaware OH - near where I live. Maybe I'm attracted to them?
  21. Maybe not a sports quote per se - Pain is temporary, quitting is forever.
  22. Not so funny story about Zac Dysert. Was headed out to Park City, through Denver, to go skiing just after the Denver - Seattle Super Bowl in NYC. Sitting next to me is a pretty big guy wearing a SB hat with a SB pin on it. Asked him if he went to the game and if he had a good time. Kind of chuckles and says - Nah, kind of crappy. I asked him why? Told me his story about being on Denver team, blah, blah, blah. I embarrassedly apologized. He said not to worry about it. We wound up talking all the way to Denver (he asked what team I backed, Super Bowl games that I went to, Bills Super Bowls) like we were sitting at the local watering hole. Nice guy. To throw a potential back up name out there - Braxton Miller.
  23. Class all the way. And as a RIT graduate, proud to have had him get his head coaching career started there.
  24. NFL head coaches are more stable than English Premier League managers. Owners of those clubs flip managers like traveling salesmen flip underwear.
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