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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Being in the engineering / product design area, I wouldn't necessarily calls this faulty. It does what it is supposed to when operated properly. It's just a crappy design idea that has weaknesses.
  2. RIT's loss (where I went) is Cornell's gain. Great work by you and your wife on getting him on a solid path. Up to him now to close the deal.
  3. Alligator wandering the streets of Columbus OH http://nbc4i.com/2016/06/17/man-uses-diving-fin-bucket-to-capture-hilltop-gator/
  4. "Service for others is the rent we pay for living on this earth." Muhammad Ali
  5. That picture of Gordie on the fishing boat is an absolute classic. Reminded me of the one of Tim Horton. Wish I could find it. I did find this one of Bobby Hull though. I dont think there are too many hockey players built like this anymore. Found the picture of Tim Horton that I was thinking of
  6. The LV Cup is the tuneup for the AC. The AC will be held in Bermuda. If you are into water, boats, tech - be sure to check this out. ** Was in Australia (Perth) in 1987 when Dennis Conner won the AC back from the Aussies. Had a hell of a great time!! **
  7. Reminds me of similar instance in my neighborhood. Social media similar to Waze did not exist at the time, so we put signs up at the entrances that there was speed monitoring going on. Then, some of us sat outside with simulated radar detectors (hairdryers) to make it look like we were checking speeds. People slowed down or found another route real quick.
  8. Don't know if I hurt the AC joint, but I messed up my shoulder when I flipped off my bike. Went right back to yoga class and thought I could work through it. Nah. Best thing is to rest it and go back nice and easy. The shoulder is a complicated joint.
  9. Don't cry because she's gone, smile because you had her life with you.
  10. DRIDDLES and all - As a cyclist, and this will sound very hollow, I apologize to you for their actions. "Proper" etiquette is that they should be in a line of pairs of cyclists. When there is a vehicle coming from behind they should merge themselves into a single line. And if the group is that large, they should break that group into a couple of smaller ones so that they don't create a long line for motorists to pass around. My only request is that when you do come up to other cyclists that are using good common sense that you give us enough room and time when you pass. I've had a number of close calls where just waiting 15 seconds would provide me, you, and oncoming car(s) enough room to pass without putting anyone at risk.
  11. I could but there would be some definite pressure on the budget after the fact.
  12. THAT is a great idea! I'll have to remember that.
  13. Desjadon said a lot of other passengers were more frustrated than he was. "I've heard every swear word known to man in the last 15 minutes," he said.
  14. BTW - anyone know how Joe Ferguson is doing these days?
  15. I can only imagine the traffic on 121 on a Friday.
  16. I can just hear "Yes - I served on the Boaty McBoatface".
  17. In the end prolly know more about Watergate than this.
  18. Family owned Lonely Island off Hinchberger Bay. No running water, no phone, no tv. You got it!! I can use the money saved on better hookers and coke.
  19. I may just have to put those into consideration.
  20. No kids. It's me, myself, and I.
  21. Got thinking during lunch what am I going to do for a vacation this year. Life change has me able to do what I want, when I want. Saw a show on PBS recently about Mt Rushmore and I thought that would be a cool 1 week road trip from Cbus OH. Thinking late Aug / early Sep. I'm also tossing around a road trip to Manitoulin ONT to North Bay (where my family had a cottage for 25+ years) ONT, to Buffalo. Thoughts? What are your vacation plans?
  22. to be shown during draft tonight. https://youtu.be/gDOP5-LqeaI
  23. I think we touched a nerve
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