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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Sour cream chicken enchiladas
  2. Read in the paper where he did mention the pace of play threw him off a bit (3-somes v pairs). I could see some of that. Torrey South is no piece of cake either. Did he say that he was going to play the next 4 - 5 weeks? Let's see what his game is like then.
  3. Just watched one about how John Spano "hustled" his way into owning the NY Islanders. What about doing one on John Rigas? I'd love to see one done about the St Bona basketball team and Bob Lanier. If my research is correct, St Bona is the smallest school in the amount of enrollment that has played in a Final Four.
  4. Great question and responses. Made me think a bit. Was married at the time, now I'm not. Lived in TX at the time, now I'm not. The friends I had in TX have moved on, as have I. Had a great dog (black Lab - Tex), now she's gone. I've seen teams in other cities that I lived in, that I did not cheer for, win championships (TX, NC, OH) and wonder what it would be like if a Buffalo team would win. After watching the great players from that era play and retire, I've gone to Canton to see their induction in the HoF. I've picked up two activities that I truly love - cycling and yoga. I learned to appreciate the simple things and the finer things. I learned to appreciate true friendship.
  5. Junior in HS and fireman with Bowmansville FD. School let us out early. I got all the kids on the street together and we held hands walking home. Looked like a bunch of elephants walking together. One of the guys from the FD came by in snowmachine to pick me up and take me to fire station. Met my dad there as he just made it out of the city and you couldn't get past Transit and Genesse. Spent the next 4 days at fire station. Slept on the hose bed of one of the trucks. Shuttled supplies to people that couldn't get out and got supplies for the 300-400 people that we had in our banquet room. The two of us walked the 2 miles from the fire station back home once everything settled down. At the intersection of Pleasant View and Central Ave was able to touch the signal light in the middle of the intersection. IIRC, we did not have school for a couple of weeks afterwards.
  6. I get some sort of weird enjoyment watching some dufus trying to maneuver their land yacht in a parking lot. They back out of a parking space with half a car to spare and then split the steering system in half trying not to hit the car in front of them when going forward. Learn the size of your car!!!
  7. My parents have taken 3 of these and loved them.
  8. 1 - Brewery tour - Green Flash, Ballast Point, Stone 2 - USS Midway 3 - Take the water taxi to Coronado and walk to the hotel http://coronadovisitorcenter.com/the-place-to-be-outdoors/hotel-del-coronado-tour/ 4 - Tour some of the military sites http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/destinations/2016/07/02/san-diego-navy-attractions/86612778/ On #4 in the link, Gen Rosecrans was from the Delaware OH area (near where I live) and was a key Civil War general. He helped develop and improved the field ambulance. He became a large land owner in CA and then a US Rep from CA. 5 - Say goodbye to the Qualcomm
  9. So not only does he have his a$$ in a legal wringer, when he gets home he's got to fix the holes in the kitchen floor.
  10. Oklahoma plays OSU in Cbus this time. OSU opens with Indiana the week prior on a Thursday.
  11. Hmmm - there must be differences in the packages by region / area. The "Select" package in Columbus does not offer Sunday Ticket. Have to go to the "Choice" package.
  12. When it comes time to find something part time to do, I'm going to do the same thing and knock on doors of restaurants. Plenty of "inventory" there. Knife sharpening while you wait.
  13. I have a couple of Henckels. It's just myself so I don't have to worry about anyone else not using them correctly. Our farmers market has a knife sharpener guy on site so I take them in periodically to get sharpened.
  14. it's not the QB that is hurting the Broncos. It's the offensive line.
  15. I voted none. Reason being as I feel that those that are on the Wall contributed to the team's success (team records, wins, playoffs, SB appearances). With all due respect to Fred and Kyle who may have been the best players on either side of the ball during their tenure, they did not meet the minimum requirements.
  16. If I remember correctly, we are slammed up against the salary cap. Sounds like you are going to have a lot of dead money on the books. Where is all this money that you are spending coming from?
  17. I read this sentence and it speaks volumes - I don’t think he will ever be a pro-bowler, but I think he could be a solid game-manager that could extend drives with his legs and maybe make a playoff run if he has a good enough supporting cast and defense. Other than McCoy and Watkins for a couple of games, what has TT had with respect to weapons? Woods, Goodwin, Hunter, Powell, Clay, etc. That group would have a hard time making many rosters. Another thing to point out here. This is TT first full year as a starter. Give him some time. Automatic SB winners / HofF inductees do not coming knocking on your doorstep. Also, now we seem to have an OC that can put some type of a game plan together. Put some true weapons around him, get him some time to grow and I think we would be surprised at what everyone is panicking over right now. My 2 cents - out. EDIT: I stand corrected - I got my timing sequence off. TT did play a full year last year. He was out 2 games due to injury.
  18. "I'm not interested in my legacy. I made up a word: 'live-acy.' I'm more interested in living." Godspeed, John Glenn. And thank you. And I'll try my best to continue your life thought. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2016/12/john-glenn/john-glenn.html
  19. Well - you can convert displacement to horsepower here. http://www3.telus.net/shebang/engine_cc_to_hp_calculator.html The Ariens Deluxe 28 is about 8HP. I'll let you take it from here.
  20. Zero, nothing, nada. Nothing to see here, move on.
  21. Oh my - I can't believe that anyone would think that re-treading Fitz would put us over the hump. He didn't do it for NYJ - how would it re-work here?
  22. Honestly? This is your solution. Yikes!!
  23. Good for him. Realize that this is one of his "home courses". This course is one that he and other pros that belong / belonged to Isleworth, Lake Nona, others have invested with as part of the Tavistock Group. In fact, Tavistock Group effectively owns the Hero World Challenge.
  24. Terrific idea!! May have to have these guys make a custom pair of cycling shoes for next year's Pelotonia.
  25. This was the first I've every heard of this.
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