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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Parents live in The Villages (next to Ocala). They have brought in all the outside furniture and whatnot. Food, water, beer, gas for the generator in hand. They are bunkering in there. They think that since they went through Blizzard 77 they can go through anything. Sister lives in JAX (Ponte Vedra area). About 1/4 mile from the beach. They have taken all the measures learned from Matthew last year. Water and sandbags are all gone. BIL is using bags of mulch to act as sandbags. They have refuge available about 10 miles inland. Just waiting for the ball to drop.
  2. This is the first that I've heard of this. And as a RIT grad I am not exactly thrilled about this. Wonder how this got by upper management of the school. Something that the new president prolly didn't think he'd have to take care of right out of the chute.
  3. Link was noted in today's paper. Clear here.
  4. National Hurricane Center - http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
  5. Good eye and thanks!
  6. I'll turn on the way back machine here - Rockford Files
  7. Made my phone call yesterday as I was about to pay my bill. Went direct to "customer retention". Rep noticed that I was a subscriber since 1996. End result - got $18 off for each of the 6 payments for Sunday Ticket ($108 off total), ST Max for free (I'll hardly use it), and 3 months of HBO for free (I may use it here / there). Not exactly free, but did get a discount.
  8. Lived in TX (north TX / Dallas area) from 84-94. Dallas was screaming in growth then and has been. Austin is very much a college town with a great music / food vibe. It all depends on what you are looking for. Lots of open country, small towns, and big time cosmopolitan cities.
  9. Hey - try it at 56!! Going through the same thing. All I can offer you is to relax, be yourself, and enjoy the company. Nothing more, nothing less.
  10. Was in NYC for the 5 Boro Bike Tour in May. Tour ended at Staten Island. The ferry boat ride from Staten Island back to Manhattan was real cool - went right by the Statue of Liberty. (Yes - I do realize that you are staying in the city) Was quite amazed at how much SI near Ft Wadsworth looked like eastern shore of MA / RI with the views of the water and such. My observation of the WTC museum is how people take pictures of everything. Odd. Generational or cultural thing?
  11. Put it into my Pelotonia fundraising account.
  12. This is where I'll agree that we have differing viewpoints on this. Out.
  13. True - but, I'm sure LH has an agent or someone else "working" for him that prolly has told LH - "Stop Spending"!
  14. I really like how it's all upon "we" to teach these people how to not spend all their money. There was no "we" when I graduated from college and had to pay back the student loan. There was no "we" when I purchased my first new car. There was no "we" when my ex and I purchased our first and second home. There was no "we" when I had to split half of my 401K savings with my ex. You blow all your mega money on whatever - tough. Figure it out.
  15. I agree with the Triscuit, but I top mine with a slice of limberger. WOWZA!!
  16. Don't hate - just don't care for. I wouldn't doubt if she feels the same way. Haven't talked in over 2 years.
  17. I'm in the minority. Bring em on - not one that I don't care for!!!
  18. Why publicize it? It's your problem, keep it to yourself, get it fixed, for your kids sake and yourself. Proof will be 1 month, 1 year, 10 years down the line when you look in the mirror.
  19. Paddle board yoga - , especially when it's hot and everyone jumps in after the class This time of the year - yoga shorts
  20. It's not the immediate opening scene, but the one that always gets me is the second scene of Lawrence of Arabia.
  21. I approve yoga on all fronts
  22. Couldn't the airport be part of the blame. No open gates?
  23. You are not a tree. If you don't like where you are - move!
  24. Second the suggestion on Pins Mechanical!! The visuals there are outstanding .... if you catch my drift Wolf Ridge is just up the street from Pins. Try the cream ale
  25. Did not know the history of Amazon / WF. Good for Jana then. Activist investor makes good $.
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