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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Nope. Used to get a token gift card ($25 - $50) to a big box store. Since being acquired no more.
  2. If it wasn't for just being in Jax for the holidays I would have been one of the 7000+. I'll be there in spirit instead.
  3. All dogs have the capability to bite, not just rotties, pits, etc
  4. ocean sailing / racing at it best Volvo round the world race is just getting started I think
  5. Was just in Germany this past week. Man, the real trees there were absolutely incredible. Super full, dark green. 50 Euro ($60) for a 6 ft tree. And artificial if I get mine out of the basement and put together.
  6. Get her to a doctor or to a counselor asap. You're not going to get help her or yourself by asking for advice here.
  7. Man - those suckers got some kind of hacked off when he went into the shed. And did you notice that someone in the background mentioned that a bear got into the shed about a month earlier. And in closing - three words - NO FRIGGIN WAY
  8. Congrats to WSW. And a well done to my alma mater Lancaster for 2nd place Class AA.
  9. Thanks - she was. She really liked being outside - even in the foulest of weather.
  10. This was my dog Tex not too long before she past. She was laying in the back of the car, out of the wind, with the sun on her watching me shovel snow from the driveway.
  11. They wont last long in a crock pot. Especially if you are cooking the cabbage and hot dogs at the same time.
  12. Yes Mainly local trustees and levies.
  13. Have you checked the interweb to see if there is anything about your issue and potentially repairing yourself?
  14. Here's some photos of Coffey Park area https://www.outsideonline.com/2252541/aftermath-napa-fires-photos
  15. Buffalo News had an interesting article outlining the connection of Harvey and Corky Productions from years past with H Weinstein.
  16. Agreed that "service dog" is being abused. They don't necessarily need to be for only the blind. PTSD, autistic, etc. I suggest checking out the Canine Companions for Independance site for more info / education - http://www.cci.org
  17. EIL - This may be one of your best comments. Well done!!
  18. Was in Buffalo / WNY in August for the first time in 10(?) years. Was very impressed with the number and types of improvements being made. LOTS of room to grow but I was very impressed with the moves.
  19. You may want to try autogeek.net.
  20. 14 non-band members have dotted the "I". Earle Bruce was the last - was there for that one. https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2016/09/74668/a-rundown-of-non-band-members-to-dot-the-i-in-script-ohio Based on his life story I would like to see Chris Carter get the opportunity.
  21. How can you not have ... although he went by Robert (Keeshan). Otherwise for you yungins - Captain Kangaroo.
  22. This is what the "Check Potential Impact" link provided - Based on the information provided, we believe that your personal information was not impacted by this incident.
  23. I thought his post game "wildest dream" comment was classic. Other than that he's "meh" to me.
  24. Wonder how many of those Asian boas and other "transplanted" animals are going to be able to spread their boundaries because of this?
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