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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. 19 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    I've never worked as a firefighter, but I'd bet some good money this guy was doing something wrong, this never should have been allowed to happen, and his colleagues will be making jokes about this for the remainder of his career.


    Kind of like when Dick f-ing Cheney shot his friend in the face while "hunting".


    Hunters don't shoot their friends in the face.  People who have no f-ing clue what they are doing shoot their friends in the face.


    I'm sure there is a protocol for turning on a hydrant that makes it impossible to be blown off your feet if you know what you are doing.



    Yes there is.  It's called don't stand in front of the outlets.  That's why one side is clear of any outlets.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Gary M said:

    crowded amusement parts are the worst.


    And people who aren't smart enough to feed the kids before they are starving and acting up shouldn't have kids in the first place.




    My thoughts exactly.  Have been to WDW, Epcot, Hollywood Studios.  I'm always surprised to see how many families are literally dragging their kids through these places while the kids are pitching holy he-double hockey sticks fits or sound asleep in a stroller.  If the kids are that unhappy in the happiest place on earth, don't you think that something needs to change?  Do you really think that at 3, 4, 5 years old they are going to remember / appreciate the $ you spent to get there and into the park?


    Take your grouchy snot nosed kids to the pool or back to the room for a nap!

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  3. ECC grad here so time ago.  Went to RIT out of high school.  I had no study skills and was essentially swamped by the atmosphere.  Went to ECC to get my act together - got my AAS degree in engineering science.  Went back to RIT and did very well.


    Prolly should have made that move right out of high school, but what did I know.  High school was easy.

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  4. I'm on a cul-de-sac of 11 homes that is within a community of 290 homes.  I know 95% of the people on my street.

    The one couple I'm real good friends with, prolly my best friends.

    Neighbors to the right of me are cool, she tends to get into knowing everyone's business.

    Lady across the street lost her husband to cancer last year about this time.  I go over and clean the driveway / mow the lawn when the kid on street can't.

    Except for the husband of one couple that I won't even acknowledge, everyone is pretty cool.

  5. 1 - Be on time (and that really means be early).

    2 - Don't interrupt unless I'm about to experience some sort of trauma.

    3 - Treat people with respect.

    4 - Don't use social media to complain.  If you have an issue, do the research and get to the right person.  You'll get more results that way.

    5 - Pick up after yourself.

    6 - Eat sensibly and get exercise.

    7 - Look at yourself in the mirror before going outside.

    8 - Don't be an idiot at a sporting event.

    9 - Say please and thank you.

    10 - Do more than what is asked.

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  6. 3 hours ago, row_33 said:


    sure wasn't "fun" in the 70s when i played in city youth leagues


    it's hilarious that people now talk about the 70s and 80s like it was a nice and moral time...  :D




    I'm aging myself by saying my experience was in the 60's.  Still don't know what happened to "fun'?  

  7. My dad's parents had an island on Lake Nippissing in Ontario.  This was some 40 years ago (boy that dates me), but back then it was no power, no phone, not running water.  Lots of quiet, fishing, exploring.  I would like to go back, but I'm afraid as to what it looks like now.

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