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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Pooj, you are going to have some real temptations this time of the year and losing weight could be tough. Try this alternative. Group of us at my former employer created a contest starting this time of the year called "Project Zero". Goal was to not gain any weight from Thanksgiving through New Years. How you did this was on your own, but you had a support team in case you needed it. The 15 pound loss thing I would start up after the holidays.


    I just try to stick to a couple of basics; eat right (like everyone else has stated) and exercise.


    Good luck.

  2. These are the last 3 paragraphs from the article about B Favre. The first paragraph could (should?) apply to the Bills organization and a few players. Although I can't really say that we have a "living deity" in our organization.


    There was a period of maybe 20 seconds in the 50 minutes I spent with Favre during which I sensed the hair stand up on his neck. I asked him about a Detroit columnist who wrote of Favre, the week the Lions played Green Bay last month, "Someone has to stand up to the living deity and tell him if he really loves this organization he must step away and give way to the future ... when you stick around, selfishness obscures common sense.''


    Favre shot back: "Was he saying that after we beat Detroit? I wonder what he says now? 'Maybe he can stick around a little longer.'"


    Maybe. My guess (and it is nothing more than a guess) is that Favre plays next year, and probably 2006, if he's performing well as 2005 comes to a close.


  3. This reminds me of an incident when I was back in Texas. A dog on my weekly route loved chasing me on my bike. Never vicious, just loved chasing me (I think). I got real tired of this after awhile. So one day as it was chasing me, I keep edging closer and closer to the edge of the road. I did this becasue I knew that one of the neighbors house had a chain link fence. Just as I got close enough to that fence I swerved hard to the right towards the dog. It moved just enough to the right so that it head head first into that fence. It popped up, shooked its head, and looked at me as I was riding away laughing so hard I durn near wet myself. Dog never bothered me again.

  4. describes last night's performance - BAD. This team came out with no passion and no effort right from the start. Wait, I'll give them the first drive. After that nothing impressed me.


    Hey T McGee, I Reese, and the rest of the secondary. You had better hope for some real bad weather on Sunday against the Rams. If it is a fair weather day, you all think that last night was bad. PHEW! next Sunday will be even worse. That Ram offense could post some big numbers, even outside. I have never seen DB's fall and run around aimlessly like these cast of characters.


    I would like to see some forward movement on the o-line some time. These guys seem to zone block and not push anyone downfield.


    Hey TC, there are other receivers on the field other than Moulds. MOVE THE BALL AROUND!! Surely we have someone else that can catch. Maybe not.


    I realize that MM may have been handed a partially rotten apple to make a pie with, but I did not think that it would look this bad.

  5. This is a must read for all of us. I've been having a pretty crappy couple of weeks at work and this not only choked me up, but put a nice smile on my face.


    I hope that the ball is completely covered with autographs when he leaves the stadium.


    Jack in Syracuse - anything that the BlueCoats can do for this family?

  6. To the Steelers for knocking the Pats off their perch for at least one week. Ben R. is looking more and more like the long term starter. Kid has some game.


    Oh yeah, kudos to the Bills for a W. Even though it was AZ. Catching the Jets next Sunday after a short week for them may be a plus. I hope the momentum can carry over.

  7. Cash. No power, no atm, no card reader at gas pump, nothing.


    Important papers in a plastic bag.


    If you think that you need to flee, pick up one of those map books that show every road known to mankind. This way you can use the side roads to evac instead of the hwy.


    Bring into the house anything that you think that will fly away. If you can't get it into the house, tie it down. If you have a patio table, flip it over and secure it. Patio swing, tie it to something so that it doesn't pitch all over the place. (My dad put a couple of snap shackles on the swing and eye hooks in the railing for just such an occasion).


    Take down any window screens and store.


    (Been through Fran and Floyd in NC.)



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