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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. I just wanted to give everyone a quick reminder that, not only must Buffalo win these games, but beating two Ohio teams is a moral victory.  Why?  Well, lets start the list...


    Why I hate Ohio:


    #1. Ohio Drivers.  I've said it before.  Two inches of snow on Ohio roads is 10 times more dangerous than 10 inches in Buffalo.   People here are afraid of the snow, combine that with the statewide epidemic of terrible driving during nice whether and underfunded road crews, even in the Cleveland area, you have a recipe for a horrible experience everytime it snows.


    #2. Ohio Inferiority Complex.  Almost everytime I bring up my complaints about the Buckeye state with an Ohioian, they take a serious amount of offense, usually telling me that 'What can you do in NY that you can't do in Ohio?'  I normally rattle off a list of about 20 things without even thinking, which just gets an angry/confused response from them.  When it comes to sports, a few examples I like to bring up.  Such as, the Columbus Blue Jackets like to think of the Detroit Red Wings as their rival.  Ask any Red Wings fans what he thinks of the CBJ/Red Wings 'rivalry' they just laugh.  Don't rivalry's have to be more than just one sided?  Ask a Michigan fan who their chief rival is....guess what the answer is.  MSU.  NOT OSU.  Unless of course you ask a Michigan fan who has lived in Ohio their whole life, which for some reason their seems to be an  unhealthy number of.  The reason the OSU/Michigan rivalry gets played up so much?  The Ohioians. 


    #3. Ohio climate.  I like to describe Ohio as the 'combination of all the bad parts of the north and south', and not just in weather.  You have droves of Nascar inbreds down here, but no southern hospitality or southern belles.  You have a winter full of cold rain, but few snow accumulations, more ice and slush.  Between Sept. and May, you have alternating 60 degree days and 30 degree days.  Ohio has taken fall, winter, and spring and combined them into one freakish season.  To quote Lewis Black "Its not weather...its malaria"


    #4. And finally, let me say this.  For the 5 months leading up to election, Ohio received what some have described as the 'biggest political blowjob' in history.  Ohioians were told how important they are, and how the office of president will take care of Ohio if you vote for so and so.  However, since the election, you have not heard one peep about Ohio in ANY major news station.  As a matter of fact, I have deemed it the safest place to live, simply because I don't think many people woud care if a terrorist blew up half the state. 


    Please Buffalo, kick the sh-- out of the Ohio football teams.  Why such a crappy state has two NFL teams, I don't know.  But i hate it here, and nothing would make me happier than to mock all the sh-- eating buckeye fans till i'm blue in the face.  This place is truly the crap hole of america.  I want to wear my Andre Reed jersey to a local bar and patronize them all.  I want to remind them that, even if OSU can get lucky once every 50 years, there will never be an Ohio based super bowl champion.  Never.



    After living in NY, TX, and NC before moving to OH, I have to take exception to some of your comments concerning the comparison on WNY to OH.


    #1. Ohio Drivers. When I was in WNY twice this past summer, I saw much more reckless driving in WNY than OH. In fact, I compared it to the NCIR (North Carolina International Raceway - I40/I85). In the Columbus area, the roads are cleared fairly well. I agree WNY does a better job, but hey, they are better equipped.


    #2. Ohio Inferiority Complex. In the public's eye, yes, Detroit is the CBJ's rival. Why? Because OH hates anything related to MI. Ask any player and Nashville is the rival. And I have asked quite a few to know this.


    #3. Ohio climate. I beg to differ here big time. You mean to say that WNY's weather is much better than Ohio. They are pretty much the same thing. If the summer's are like they were this past one, I'm a happy camper.


    And when you are through with school, let me know so that I don't accept your resume. And good luck finding anything of value back in WNY. CYA.

  2. Last week the Buffalo News web site had an article about this. Basically, it is a power move by Giambra to make the budget as small as possible so that the constituents will yell their heads off at their representatives (local and state) to restore services. By voicing their opinion to restore services, the residents of Erie county will have essentially "voted" themselves a tax increase and Giambra can walk away without getting burned.

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