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Posts posted by BuffaloBud

  1. When I went to SB XXXII (GB - NE, New Orleans) and XXXIII (Den - GB, San Diego) many of the "parties" were at places like Hard Rock, Planet Hollywood, House of Blues, and the like. The Commissioners Party in NO was in the convention center. Man, what a party that was!! All the different kind of food / drink that you could invision, along with all the eye-candy and NFL celebs. That is where I got RW's autograph.


    SD was a little different - more laid back? They took one street and essentially closed it and opened the bars to the street. Pretty interesting.


    My sister lives near PV, a bit of a hike to the city. Especially after having a few. May hope on a flight last minute.


    Have fun!!

  2. I had to start marking my name on a flippin carton of coffee creamer that I brought in because I found the president and vp of engineering using it. When I asked them if it was theirs they replied that they just assumed that because it was in the fridge it belonged to everyone. If the shoe was on the other foot I'm sure that I would have caught hell. I don't blame here for being upset, but she should have checked the email before sending it.

  3. Overall, the original posted design looks to "Donald". Where are the people to fill these buildings going to come from? The suburbs? Why would anyone want to move back into the city that just moved out? As previously posted there needs to be something else to draw and keep people there; schools, parks, shopping, supermarket, it's on the dang water - how about a marina?, gym / ice rink.


    Good thought, though I do not think this will ever fly.

  4. Ask them why a manhole cover is round.


    I was asked that once and I replied, "I'm sure is was so that interviewers would have a standard question for prospective employees to determine their ability to think creatively.  Oh, I'm sorry.  It's so they won't slip down the manhole they cover."



    The real reason is that a square cover, when oriented into the correct position, could fall down the manhole (man-square?) and hit someone down below. With a round cover that can't happen.

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