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    Buffalo NY

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  1. Thanks, Joey Bosa in my face everyday till July
  2. Oh sure, if the Chiefs were signing him "We would be screwed "
  3. It's a chunky and everybody knows it too...
  4. No Star Trek jokes? Geeeez
  5. But the clock is reset
  6. We are never wrong
  7. What GM doesn't listen to offers? If he doesn't than he should be fired
  8. This pretty much guarantees Rogers is going to Cleveland
  9. No more crummy football for you
  10. But Josh had a sore wrist
  11. Cheesy Chinese junk
  12. This thread is like a homing pigeon, the bird can always find it's way home.
  13. This guy has retired more times than Brett Farve Go away
  14. Hollins has no shoes....pass
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