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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. Upper level, first row Than you can jump when the Bills lose
  2. Needs to be a new 12 inch Budweiser ash tray
  3. I notice he didn't break down pre season games
  4. If only I had the money
  5. I am canceling my Kansas City Chiefs season tickets Enough is enough
  6. Joe Brady was a wise choice, I like him
  7. The Bills are broke
  8. 4 year /34 mil
  9. At first I thought this was big than visited the Chiefs board, NOW I see him waived next week Geeez
  10. And I thought today would be boring
  11. Maybe a down payment on a brand new ash tray
  12. This is gross
  13. Knox is history
  14. It would not be good if he makes the team
  15. Still not buying season tickets -nice try though
  16. GOOD BYE COLLIER,GOOD BYE COLLIER, GOOD BYE COLLIER, we hate to see you go.. You older guys will get it RIP
  17. I predict a lot of Sunday games right after church
  18. I was the one who offered up flowers for Matt Milano
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