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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. I lived in Buffalo back in the 60s and there was only ONE NFL team soooo I was screwed
  2. It was no reflection of YOUR post Shaw, this has been the opinion on this board for years But, I am sure you know this...
  3. You can get 12 for a dime.
  4. Yes, the NFL is broke, we should help anyway we can
  5. Whose got the deal on seats ??
  6. Its not about the money, its about providing quality family entertainment at reasonable prices
  7. I get blamed for everything around here, I was in the bathroom when this thread was posted.
  8. Nope, it was at the Lord Baltimore and Ralph Wilson saw my Bills coat than asked if I wanted to sit with them I didn't say no...
  9. I sat at a dinner table with Ralph Wilson, Lou Saban, Al Melser, Rich Azar and Abe Abramowski.
  10. Tre White running up to then reading Raven coaches play notes that blew on the field Hilarious 😂
  11. Should be little league players too
  12. looks 27
  13. 80 million doesn't last very long now days
  14. Not a good look
  15. Mentally bankrupt too
  16. But this is a guard
  17. How predictable
  18. This was big news in March.
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