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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. Are you broke ? Me too!
  2. It was $5
  3. In 2004 he dropped an easy interception against the Dolphins and it ruined my entire weekend. Just saying..
  4. You guys remind me of my mother in law, pick, pick, pick
  5. Whose got the deal on playoff tickets?
  6. His dream was to play for the Miami Dolphins . Bad Karma 👎
  7. There is rust on the bricks near the front gate -Pass
  8. The poor Steeler fans Wrong coach and NO QB
  9. Can you send me free tickets ?
  10. And I thought today would be boring ??
  11. Where can I find this picture -asking for a friend
  12. Its all about Punting ! I will be watching for Matt Haack , I know he will be out there somewhere
  13. An somebody made money designing these ?
  14. Looks nice but I really need 9 bathrooms...
  15. I love it when people fight over money
  16. Looking to buy the team But I am broke...
  17. Why can't we find a cheap WR like this ?
  18. I would spend the money on condos any make me the owner
  19. The entire world knows that Matt Haack will be back. The guy is like a homing pigeon
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