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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. I found, bought and moved into a house faster then this.
  2. I don't think any team will pay over 13m per season. We shall see
  3. Not worth 17.5. The Bill's will NEVER, NEVER PAY THAT.. NEVER....
  4. I see today JJ is looking for the full 17.5 mil per season. Now I understand why he hadn't signed.
  5. I would never play that game, you could get all dirty
  6. Guys that wear #99 are aggravating .... Some are Lazy (Dareus) Some can't make up their mind on ANYTHING (JJ Watt) Now this Short guy., 2 shoulder surgeries in 2 years ....Pass .
  7. Thug is a word used in the 1930s for a guy that steals your ***** from the backseat a cab then runs away I am not sure how this will help
  8. I am looking for it. The writer that said Buffalo would miss the playoffs because Singletary fumbles to much
  9. Are we still discussing JJ Watt here or did the mods move the thread ?
  10. I wish he would just go then, he is clogging up the board
  11. I gave him 4 hours to make up his mind
  12. I lost my interest about 2 days ago. You watch JJ will sign elsewhere with a team like Dallas and never get so much as a sniff of a championship
  13. She looks like one of those warm weather girls. You know LA, Tampa, maybe Dallas
  14. This whole JJ Watt thing is a scam designed to keep members glued to the board. I highly doubt he even a free agent SCAM
  15. I gave Brandon Beane all night to take care of this..
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