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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. Roughing the Official, Mercury Morris fumbles, Buffalo recovers but ...but ...somebody "brushed" an official trying to recover the ball. Bills lose....
  2. Ray Guy (a punter) is already in the HOF so the argument over Special team players shouldn't be in is Bogus
  3. I found my Wallet but the credit cards have expired...damn But....but... I will find a way to donate. Steve got screwed again. It just ain't right What I really want is a Billboard off the I-90 with a picture of Tasker STEVE TASKER GOT SCREWED BY CANTON HOF INCOMPETENCE 7 time ALL- Pro
  4. This thread is really scary....No shiny new trophy, no parade in down town Buffalo, no nothing
  5. Boston is not part of the United States. England won that war
  6. Don't sell the house in Buffalo, lease it out
  7. I need finger prints and a DNA sample before I believe this
  8. Oh, I see the Bills were lucky to catch the Patriots defense napping....Typical Boston BS
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