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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. The Bills never beat a good team, the other team always BLOWS. Oh well, its all part of being a Bills fan. The talking heads will have a field day all week. Buffalo beat the worst team in playoff history. The Patriots were pretenders Blah, blah blah..😁
  2. Its already been named "The Perfect game" why mess with it?
  3. Keep your kids away from the Patriots board this morning, this is where youngsters pick up naughty language
  4. Can't we give him one more week ? 😐
  5. The Anterior cingulate cortex , globus pallidus, thalamus, and cerebellum show higher activation during recall then during recognition which suggests that these components of the cerebello-frontal pathway play a role in recall processes that they do not in recognition . Although recall and recognition are considered separate processes, they are both most likely constitute components of distributed networks of the brain regions. So, in summary, if you forget, you are screwed
  6. We will get all muddy ripping down the goal posts
  7. I will have an answer around 12 midnight (Eastern Standard time )
  8. Reed83 is offering cheap tickets to the New England playoff game and you guys can't even award him a little red trophy ? This is Insensitive & Rude 😐 .
  9. This probably explains why I couldn't get a drink at the bar
  10. Try the Flying Tiger, you can listen to the planes and everything
  11. Three operations then I will watch the game with those who live
  12. Good choice but I would call them first.
  13. An open kitchen after 12 would be very hard to find with the covid situation ... I wouldn't even try... Better off buying over priced stadium food
  14. You are looking for a restaurant at approximately 12 midnight??? How about the Tim Hortons drive thru
  15. The Sabres are playing at 7pm so it appears I will miss the Bills first half Its a real shame
  16. Because attendance is very important in a small market city. The League looks very closely at season attendance numbers Just saying
  17. I am very interested in this one particular question. Some of the Stadium threads are long. This seems to be the week when the cold is the biggest issue
  18. One thing to consider is its only a matter of time before the NFL has a 20 game schedule I remember when there was 12
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