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Everything posted by MHS75

  1. Move it closer to "SEC" football: South Cheektowaga....
  2. "Cry me a river...."
  3. Got the airport covered as well as access to/from the 90/33/290/190/400/219/78/5/20/20A. Intel/Recon drone flights slated for every 4hours starting at 1500 EST/2000Z31Dec14. Maritime coverage throughout eastern GLAKES basin by PCRON2. Specops inserts upon request from SOPA based upon VID's. Execute order pending.
  4. Would Sestak be as dominant today as he was during the AFL Championship years? Who would you prefer to have: Dareaus or Sestak? Just wondering...
  5. Worst "trade" ever. Got Art Powell (later traded to Miami) and Tom Flores. Nothing. Also "heard" from an inside source that Lamonica was known to be a "bit to friendly" with wives of executive leadership...
  6. Bills win in Super Bowl I. No question. Defense was key. Sestak MVP.
  7. Am reviewing the board 5-8 times/day. More when the season actually starts.
  8. Need I say more????
  9. "It" started in 1963 when I was 6. Became hooked in '64 and '65 when I had every Buffalo Bill trading card. And every Loblaw's photo (which got discarded when I left for college...horrors!) Still revere Sestak. Remeber Day's 80 yard+ fumble return for a TD and Van Miller calling that game....just timleess!
  10. "Its hard to win in this league......."
  11. Best wishes Shipmate. Just left the USN after 30 and came right back home to Cheektowaga. Doesn't get any better than this!
  12. Would love to see the results of this virtual matchup: "Glenn v Sestak"
  13. SNOW PLOW it is!
  14. 55. Most memorable play: Van Miller describing Jim Dunaway's fumble recovery and running it in for a TD. Belive it was the 66 season V Jets.
  15. Simply: "Because there is no plan......"
  16. Just Wait!!!!!! You'll See! No Problem!
  17. Can still hear Van Miller: "Kemp...back to pass..."
  18. Exactly the game that I would pick to see live....
  19. Thank You for your service and Welcome Home! Nice Observations and enjoyed reading. Did 30Years in the USN. Great to be home again!
  20. Seriously, I'd like to work for them direct. Was a Director of Business Dev. and just recently "downsized", "right sized" or however it is referred to these days. USN Veteran. Any ideas where I can direct a resume? Thinking of going straight to Russ B. Thoughts? Same for the Sabres....
  21. Fitz is a force multiplier for this team. His leadership prowess coupled with superior decision making skills make everyone around him better! This cannot be overstated!
  22. My Thoughts exactly!
  23. Difficult decision but think that it is the right one given the demographics of the Bills market. If it helps to solidify their long term tenure here, I'm all for it!
  24. Remember this game well. Was listening to Van Miller on WBEN and snowing heavily (at least in Cheektowaga at the time). The Bills winning was the good omen that day as we were praying for the snow to continue so that school would be canceled the next day. Even the 20" that fell didn't deter our Superintendant! But yes, remember this game well!
  25. I was born here (Sisters), raised here, left for 30 years, then came "back home." For all of the attributes cited above. More to the point, have traveled extensively (USN) and cannot find anywhere on the planet where "all of the stars align" as they do here in WNY. Would NEVER consider moving again. Just plain LOVE it here.
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