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Posts posted by Buffan00

  1. LMAO

    Eeryone thought 2 wins against weak AFC teams meant alot more then they truly were.


    Fact is we still have a very weak pass rush, and a weak secondary against accurate passers. Feely may not be consistent but he's accurate today.


    Throw in all thosae lame penalties, and the heat down in Miami and we're in trouble


    The "heat" down here in Miami? Not hot here today???!! :doh:

  2. We're back to the same old Bills. A great start and a defensive pick squandered by poor D play and penalties yet again. And the special teams is back to last years tricks. You know, blocks in the back poor tackling, overpursuing. We're losing the field position game in a big way. What happened to our D? Where's Schoebel? We're making Feely look like Marino. And where's our running game. This is an embarrassment for McGahee so far. So much for even our slim playoff hopes. We're looking like pretenders against a team we should crush. :doh:


    Hey man its still early!! Just the first quarter, remember??? give them some time!!!!!!!!

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