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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. Most Underated: Takeo Spikes MVP: Brady On the decline: Troy Vincent Breakout Year: Lee Evans Pick to win div. Patriots x2 Take it for what its worth, sorry if already posted!
  2. Yeah i saw those too!
  3. Although I will ALWAYS have a deep seated hatred for the Cowboys, I would like to see DB do well. He is a good person and he's good for football! Dont care to much what Peerless does though.
  4. Get over it already!!!
  5. What they aren't good because they are WHITE!!! WTF??????? racist!
  6. If you like the 80's,i guess its hot!
  7. The "doom-sayers" start already!! Probably a troll.
  8. Sorry..RB, he started a few games when Bell got hurt last year!
  9. http://www.denverbroncos.com/page.php?id=334&storyID=4604 Man This guy was great when he played last year! Surprised they didint try to trade him! And ofcourse Rice isnt going anywhere! Whoever that idiot was that posted that earlier!
  10. Yep, class act! Hope he has a good season too!
  11. Agreed, and giving the level of talent that they kept instead of him is quit suprising too!! Guess they know more then they are letting on huh??
  12. I like it too! It goes againts the more "traditional" type stadiums out there, thats probably why most dont like it!
  13. Im for it!!! WHATEVER it take to get this team rolling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Get over it already!! GEESH!!!
  15. Almost the same type player, but Williams SHOULD have a little more upside!
  16. Man that crap is getting OLD!!!!
  17. I know the feeling of waiting for these Hurricanres to hit, being here in Florida! But this one is gonna be VERY bad! Scarey stuff!! Good luck your in our prayers!!!!!!
  18. LOL funnny as hell man, I agree! That song is like nails on a chalk board!!
  19. I watched that whole game, he played OK when he was in! Quit hating on him!
  20. You never want your team to get complacent! This will also give them motivation during the final 2 weeks paratice and last pre-season game which most starters dont even play! So, I look at it as a posotive thing.
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