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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. Man.."the greatest show on earth"!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Peyton Manning is the best QB I have EVER seen!!!! Must be nice to be an INdy fan!
  3. Damn were getting skull-f-cked!!!!!!!!
  4. Praying for commercials...thats rare!
  5. Damn!!! They are scoring at will on us!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yeah, but "Josh Reed is our best first-half player"
  7. yes, but you still have to have someone to throw it to him!!
  8. Looks like they are going to run LT ALL day at us!!!
  9. Dude, whats with the Bruschi rant on the bottom of your post?? Give it a rest already, its a waste of space!
  10. my favorite parodies: Mr. Holland's Orphus Rumpleforeskins Sperminator "Sin" Derella Star Trek: Deep Throat 69
  11. His "15 mins"????? Hell, he's been doing this kind of stuff for years! And if TO does get a huge contract next year, then this is just the "press" Rosenhaus wants. Young kids from college will surely know his name and the big bucks he brings in!
  12. Now I have to wait 6 hrs. untill football starts!!!!!!!
  13. "Overrated"???? I think its about right at 30th! ANd LAST against the run!
  14. His price goes up EVERY week!!!!!!!!! SIGN HIM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. People here said that Moss wouldnt make a difference!! HA..this guy can ball no matter WHO is throwing to him! Nate better step it up or were in for a LONG day!
  16. Seems like a NO BRAINER huh?? Are they really that dumb??
  17. Yep, he suited up right before kick-off..OUR LUCK HUH??
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