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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. Nahh..just messing around..LaQuinta is a southern 1-2 star trap...sorry!
  2. Agreed! Man could he throw a beautiful deep ball when he was "on"!!!!!!! Good times!
  3. Yahoo reports that he will serve as their #3
  4. Well Im all for Michigan winning (and they WILL) But it wont be because of Henne..it wil be inspite of Henne. He only threw for 130 and 128 yds in the first 2 games, and has NOT looked sharp! But Hart is the real deal and will run all over ND! Michigan 31 ND-24 !
  5. Now that he's showing some attitude..i bet he dosen't play Sunday for sure!
  6. Just what we needed!! Disgruntlement in the locker room!! Spikes is upset..and no doubt some of this will carry over to the other players and onto the field! Come on guys get with it!!!!! We have enough problems and now this crap!
  7. Looking forward to it! Also hoping for a BIG kick return from Mcgee!
  8. Damn!! He could have been the difference this weekend too!!
  9. I like the kid last year in the pre-season! He was a fan favorite too! Worth a look if you ask me!!!
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/09/13/teacher.s...tion=cnn_latest http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...MjZerUr4AABAA@@
  11. She said they had oral sex first in her bedroom...then would have sex at school in the classroom...the guy asked her how many times they did it?..she said "ALOT of times"
  12. ANybody catch that hot blond's (cant remember her name) interview last night. She's the teacher that did her 14 year old student. Man she's looking damn good. But she is definently not right in the head!
  13. A shame!! Waste of Talent ! He's actually been on his best behavior too! Wouldnt have minded seeing him land in Philly with McNabb!
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