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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. Just a bunch of kids taking break from COOP work and decided to do a pick-up game in the back field. His head/shoulder hit the other guy in the chest as they collided trying to catch a deep pass.
  2. Yep, tackle football on a federal instillation with a COOP program for highschool seniors. Somebody will lose their career!
  3. Im a Fire Chief/Medic and just ran a call involving a 17 year old boy who was playing football and broke his neck and died right in front of me today! We responded and tried to force ventilate him but to no evail! Just reminds me how precious life is and how short it can be! Hug and kiss your loved ones today!
  4. So many times I have been accustomed to seeing a 3rd and 6 and we either run or pass for a sure first down and the the FLAG comes flying! "Holding, offense number" -- (insert any of our lineman) and that euphoria/adrenaline is quickly replaced with angst/disgust! But this year is different (Knocking on wood!) it seems as if we got our act together on the assignments! Hopefully we keep this up!
  5. I rememebr 2 years ago he threw for like 400yds in 3 consecutive weeks...he was a Fantasy MONSTER with Drew Bennet! Gotta believe politics were involved and Tenn. just wanted Vince Young to eventually start sooner that later!
  6. I know some wanted him a few years back..now he's only a 5th rounder!
  7. #1 pick....0 Td's...= me being 0-2...Bad times!!!!!!!!
  8. Brown is a top-10 back and we shut him down!! Big step for us today!!!!!!
  9. D wins games ..Buffalo will win plenty this year! Wait till TKO Gets back!!! YEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I know...wait till he gets back!! Watch out Minnesota!!!!!!!!
  11. Ladies and Gents...WE have a defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hail to the VICTORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BLUE!!!!!!
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