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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. It will still be a statement that we beat a #1 team at THEIR house!
  2. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AuJq...v=tsn&type=lgns Come on Lock of the week?? That is NO respect at all! Man If there was ever a "statement game" this would be it! Lets shock the football world this week. What say you?
  3. Yep..looking forward to it! Lots of questions to be answered! Not looking forward to 8 mins. of "Lost" , then 3 mins. of commercials! Damn that gets annoying!
  4. Id take Gore (because the heat is on for him to hang on to the ball and produce) and Brown (because its a division game and they need a win or there done!)
  5. Brady HANDS DOWN!!! The media is hyping it up..and it will no doubt be a HIGH scoring game! Brady with 300+ yds and 2 td's...book it!
  6. Im an Asst. Chief here in Alabama..I have been offered a Chief job..but it's in Korea and I have to do atleast 2 years!! Then I will get the experience I need to get another job back in the US. My kids are 2 and 3, and aren't in school yet. But its Korea!! Anybody ever made a move like this before for their careers? ANybody heard of anything good/bad about South Korea, its an Army base called Camp Humphreys. Thanks
  7. Ive been trying to figure that out so I dont have to include a link..enlighten me, please?
  8. How did you attach that pic. to the message like that???
  9. He probably dosent want them to win, he's just being realistic, because Houston sucks so bad, Miami should easily win, hence ,saying we should all be tied 2-2.
  10. MICHIGAN!!!!!!! the 2006/7 National Champions!!!!!!
  11. 787571[/snapback] This "crap"...wtf?? Are you gay?
  12. Guess its just the "Hot Chick" in a football shirt that does it for me!
  13. Im all about the face!!! The body is just a bonus to me!! Id take Kelly Rippa over any of the above mentioned!
  14. Worth a second look: Heres another one of her! http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1980-YALE-foot...7QQcmdZViewItem
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1983-Michigan-...1QQcmdZViewItem And she's wearing a U of M shirt!! WOW!!! Id "buy it now" !!!
  16. Your gonna have a BUNCH of pissed Fantasy football owners!! (Me included)
  17. Nah!! Michigan makes that spread easily! Wisconsin beat them last year remember?? Michigan wants revenge, plus it's their BIg Ten opener! Michigan by 24+ ...book it!!
  18. Ghost Hunters (SCI-FI) Lost "Six Dergrees" was kinda cool last night
  19. Yep, I rememebr that play..he looked lost out there, and we were yelling "WTF"???
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