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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. Hot!
  2. HOTTTTT...POCKETTTT!!! -Jim Gafigan
  3. Bad taste in your choice for the title!
  4. Rose colored glasses much??? Yeah, its brutal!!
  5. Cinncy, Phily, NYG, Baltimore, Jax, Dallas, Denver....WTF?? That is a TOUGH Stretch!!! Guess we'll see what the boys are made of!!! Go Bills!
  6. ZING!!! Good way to finish the week!
  7. Cant view any of those at all..some of us have those firewalls at work..maybe a google/yahoo link?? Kind of like the other guy?
  8. NIce!
  9. Yeah..tough loss..Michigan was outplayed in every aspect of the game!! Oh well They will win it ALL in 07!!!
  10. yep!
  11. Yep..now way he goes!! They arent too off from being decent!
  12. Couple new names thrown out there, and some chatter on other AFC teams who are out of the playoffs. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=Avkr...o&type=lgns
  13. Where did you find that chick at?? Never heard of her..but nice!!!
  14. Absoulte crap that statement is! "No leadership"??? WTF..he lead Michigan to a National Championship in 97..and an pro-bowl in 2001 and he was 5-1 with Tampa before the ACL tear. He is a leader and that shouldnt be questioned. And an obvious upgrade over Grossman at this point in his career!
  15. Good for you! Hope they end the season on a good note for ya!! Have fun!
  16. Thanks for posting that!! The writing is now on the wall..hopefully it works out for US!!!!!!
  17. Also may want to add..THIS IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK!
  18. When did Youboty "show potential"?????
  19. ya think???
  20. Yep..when "Melo" gets back from suspension..they will be tough!
  21. What about overloading on Vitamin-C pills? Ive been popping 1000 MG every night and it seems to have helped.
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