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Everything posted by Buffan00

  1. I think this year they get it right!! We see that Chan isnt conventional in picking Spiller. So anything is possible!!!
  2. Debatable..but this week or next for sure....Live draft! Interested?
  3. Need 2 more..draft is later this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. This isnt Rich's league, but the one started 5 years ago..we have the regular 9 that are in it from all 5 years, just need 3 more..let me know..its a Yahoo draft, online, head-to-head..come be a part of a yearly tradition..all Bills fans...PM me for id/password..thanks
  5. August Draft..live Yahoo.com..this is the 4th year for this league..several TBD'rs, a few arent playing this year..its a head-to-head league...PM me for more information and ill send the league ID and psswd. Thanks!
  6. I posted about this a few months ago and I ended up buying a dog whistle (9.95 at petsmart) and everytime that little rat bastard of a dog barks, I blow the whistle! Afetr a few days he STOPPED and when I blow it, he runs to his back door and scratches to get in! Best 10 bucks I ever spent!!
  7. Year 5 for this..we have some new guys and a few old ones left us this year! Yahoo :League ID#: 37486 psswd: bills See you there..this is different then the Keeper league, this is new each year!
  8. Got a top of the line Schimano Bait Caster Reel for my fishing pole! Kids got a Wii and a ton of games. Wife got a 2 day trip to a spa.
  9. UPDATE: So, the guy calls me up and says "he feels bad/guilty because its christmas and I have kids" He said he didnt know what made him call me back, but said he would pay me back on Friday, and that he was having problems with money, and he didnt know it didnt work. So, we'll see if he come through on this.....
  10. So, im on craigslist and respond to an ad for a 7" dvd system for my van. It was 150$ and the ad said worked great! So i meet this guy, pay him 150 and go to the audio center for install and they say its fried!! So I then have to pay them 75 MORE dollars to put my old one back in to the car! I call the guy back and he says the ad stated "as-is" in it so he was NOT going to pay me back! Am I out here? Do I have ANY rights? Is small claims court a possibility?? He told me to never call him, but to contact his lawyer and he gave me the #. What do you guys think?? What should I do, eat it and resign to the fact I was ROBBED!!
  11. Thanks..the Bills gave me a great present for my 34th!
  12. So your saying theres a chance?
  13. Should I not be reserving time off from work for a playoff game??? Are we really dead in the water as some say????
  14. YAWN!!....next
  15. How do you "blow ass"???
  16. NOT having a RUN GAME is the Main reason this offense is sputtering!!What is going on w/Lynch?? If we establish the run..it opens everything else up..till then..............bad times!
  17. Well...after all is said and done...its only a 7pt game! Maybe we come out firing on all cylinders?? Lets hope!
  18. They think they can get it back and do something in 49 SECS??
  19. I actually DO miss Flutie...gotto admit, he made it exciting!! And we always felt we had a CHANCE!!
  20. Can Lynch EVER break through a hole???
  21. Same ol' Bills...when will it EVER change?
  22. we will finish the year 7-9...watch and see
  23. Nice Trent!! This guyis sucking arse!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. after 4-0..what a shatty way to play...how depressing
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