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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. I'd say yes. I think that our defense will keep us in games long enough to overcome enough teams to make the playoffs. We need offensive improvement (a #1 WR would be nice), but let's take it one week at a time. Also I think if you asked this after last week you'd see a lot more "yes" responses. Bills fans are notoriously tormented souls after a loss.
  2. Why don't you all take it one game at a time before critiquing others for being happy and fans and enjoying a remote possibility that the Bills might be turning it around. We don't need the told you so's. Its like people just wait in the shadows to snipe the Bills whenever they stumble.
  3. He can't average that when he isn't ever on the field.... What is it? Injured 3 different times so far this year? Some guys just aren't built to play in the NFL.
  4. To be fair, Brees has willed his team down the field and into the endzone. The Saints defense just lets the opposing offense score right back. I believe Tyrod's poor performance against Carolina is clear, but then against two tough opponents in Atlanta and Denver, he made some pretty nice looking throws. If he keeps games like that up, I'll be impressed. If he reverts back to Carolina level of playing, I won't be. Also I saw someone blame Zay Jones for why we aren't 4-0. Absurd. That is mostly Tyrod's fault throwing it to the wrong shoulder. Zay Jones tried to adjust, but just couldn't get a handle on it. He should've still caught it, but a better throw would've been an easy wide open walk in TD.
  5. This argument that Watkins doesn't deserve targets is absurd. So agree to disagree. I can tell you that if McCoy came here from Philly and was getting less than 10 touches a game, he wouldn't be happy. And he wouldn't be wrong in talking about it to coaches (not the media).
  6. seriously guys? As if McCoy wouldn't be saying the same thing if he didn't get his touches?
  7. It quite effectively divides the people though. I think intent is often lost in the mix, when it should be greatly considered.
  8. Yeah the "Buffalo sucks" crowd does kind of go overboard quite a bit. I like it here. I am happy with my choice to stay here. Different strokes for different folks.
  9. I just want to say - Thank god we lost to Carolina. That would have been a disaster if we won that one! Gotta limit those NFC wins. For real, this is why it was absurd to say we were a 3 win team contending with the Jets for 1st overall. We can win games, and are in far more games than people credit us for.
  10. Washington Post has the data here. Unarmed is a matter of 32 people so far this year. 13 White 10 Black 8 Hispanic 1 Other Far too few of a sample size to identify some sort of racial agenda or problem with police. Situational variables could easily skew any "per capita" stats. People like Kaepernick use anecdotal and emotional evidence to point blame. Meanwhile while we fight over a 5 person racial swing in unarmed police shootings, people of all races are shooting and killing each other in the hundreds. Like I said, if they want to argue that there should be less police shootings (more training, body cams, etc) fine. But it isn't a provable racial issue. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings-2017/
  11. I got that from significant research into the issue and Kaepernick is simply wrong. If you want to reduce the number of police shootings through more training fine. But it isn't a racial issue.
  12. Freedom of speech does not allow me to make a political stand at work and make my company a target for controversy. Also freedom of speech allows me to critique what you are saying. By all means, keep saying it, but I will also keep saying Kaepernick and you are both wrong.
  13. Bc the original stance wasn't a principled stand. It was a guy wearing cops are pigs socks, and claiming cops have some agenda, and that there are bodies in the streets. Oh give me a break. Kaepernick sucks, and teams don't want the distraction.
  14. The week he didn't do something was the week he got 2 targets. Imagine that.
  15. It was concussion protocol. Tavon Austin left for the same reason shortly after. Its hyperbole to say "he had great production and then he got injured" because of your framing of the argument. Especially when you say Watkins isn't physical enough in the same breath.
  16. Injured? He is in concussion protocol. I can't find anything out there that says he actually has one, or that won't be ready in 10 days for his next game. Knock the hyperbolic "then he got injured" nonsense off.
  17. How does a fiance have any grounds to sue the Patriots? Is it on his behalf? She wasn't legally married so can she even do that? I don't understand. Can I start suing on behalf of dead people? (Edit I know anyone can sue, it is just a matter of it being thrown out)
  18. Yeah, you often hear them talk about their talks with said players and coaches. Why are you acting arrogant? There is a clear difference in broadcasters ability between games. Simply put, it isn't a industry standard to make crappy and inane cuts to unimportant things. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. Which is why it is frustrating when they do.
  19. Really guys? The Chiefs blew out the Patriots in 2014 and everyone was questioning whether Brady still has it. Chiefs ended up going 9-7 and missing the playoffs. Patriots ended up going 12-4 and winning the SB. Its one game. Give it a rest. http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2014092900/2014/REG4/patriots@chiefs#menu=gameinfo%7CcontentId%3A0ap3000000404128&tab=recap
  20. Really? I am hearing its going to go up the coast and into SC much weaker into NC who also declared a state of emergency in preparation. I imagine the weather is gonna be pretty crappy. I am flying down there for the game too. Watching closely for what this weather will do.
  21. You still keep pushing this agenda huh. Had nothing to do with a nagging hamstring injury, Shady just didn't have his head on straight in 2015.
  22. Geez guys. You are doing some backflips here to defend him. Without the TDs he had 12 carries for 40 yards which is good for 3.33 ypc. Even if you defend him via the "Well Belichick rotates RBs in on a 4 rb rotation" then why the heck did he sign Gillislee for $3.2 million a year and give up a pick? Also until I see him do a season as a feature back, no I won't consider him one.
  23. Its safe to say they didn't do well right? I mean all this "hurr hurr hurr, NE has the best Buffalo players" was a little premature, right?
  24. Haha. I am just as happy. Just hope its for real this time. Plus I want to say the Chiefs weren't as good that year despite the blowout. Ended up with Pick 18 that year.
  25. Does no one remember 2014? Pats got destroyed by the Chiefs and we got all of this talk. Pats end up going 12-4 and winning the Super Bowl.
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