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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. We have a pats fan in our midst....
  2. Bashing the bills for employing him but have no problem monetizing the story themselves. "this story has gotta be heard 🤑" If this is the most we have to complain about Beane, I am a happy camper.
  3. Go to Gilleon's twitter and read the full text convo. He posted it himself, but it reads like an extortion attempt. Now that is not to say Araiza is innocent but more a statement on the integrity of the pay me to shut up civil justice system in the country.
  4. I get its their job but the media can feel so cringy sometimes in trying to extract quotes from players. Like they are themselves monetizing the issue.
  5. No it wasnt. It can be thorough, find everything they could have access to, and still not have all the facts. The media and your comments are trying to make a fiasco out of probably the best handling this could have been done short of knowing about it predraft. Bills org found out about it in July. At that point it was just an accusation. They would not have drafted him if they knew of it before the draft. They released him 2-3 days after civil charges were filed. What more could they have done? The bills org is not a court. It doesnt have the time, resources, or access to witnesses/evidence to determine what is true here. Lets just move on. But we won't because the media has stories for ages to write about it to stir things up now.
  6. 1. Its not that clear cut for the law in California. Especially if she lied about her age. 2. 21 year olds legally have sex with 17 year olds in NY all the time. If we think its so gross and illegal in California, why is it legal here? Maybe we should tone down the rhetoric until we have all the facts. That doesn't mean he is let off the hook, it means cool down for a second.
  7. Was he? Then hopefully he will be charged. Seems like people are going back and forth between forced and statutory rape. If he was involved in the actual gang rape then so be it. But then people bounce back to the idea that she was underage when they interacted outside. All this speculation is really telling that we actually dont have any info besides a civil lawsuit written by the plaintiffs attorney.
  8. Again that is what the lawsuit claims and the lawsuit was filed after he made an NFL team. A better determination for an accurate representation of the situation would be the police reports indicating all of this. Has anyone seen those as opposed to a civil lawsuit written by the plaintiffs attorney?
  9. I am not sure people are arguing that was the plan. I think most people believe something happened that night but that the Araiza situation and the gang rape situation are not necessarily linked despite the civil suit claiming as such, but the civil suit was filed in July I believe after Araiza was drafted which aims to link the two events together. That is peoples doubt. Pulling Araiza into the civil suit to include someone with money.
  10. I don't disagree, IIRC I think that the OP i replied to implied that a simple tarnishing of the brands reputation should be good enough for dismissal irregardless of any facts. It is an unfortunate reality that we face this and that snap judgements based on limited facts are thought to be a good thing. I do think we don't need the distraction and for the good of the Bills org they should cut him and not deal with it but that makes me guilty of the above, so my take is bias. In the end I hope she gets justice based on the facts of the situation and not because of public opinion.
  11. Right. That is what is making people criticize the lawyer for posting this as if it helps their case. They clearly were asking for a settlement despite saying "they ignored it". So now he looks like he is trying to angle to win public opinion but it falls flat bc he outed himself.
  12. I mean, half of what you saying aren't even agreed upon facts, so I am not sure you should be pushing for any sort of action by the Bills org. And I am on the cut him because we don't need the distraction side.
  13. Its not though. Again this has been rehashed and rehashed. It is a wobbler law in CA.
  14. No. Read the whole text thread HER lawyer posted. It clearly shows that the plaintiff was seeking a settlement and Araiza's lawyer said they would never settle. The plaintiffs lawyer then threatened that Araiza will regret that "they will do what they always do and litigate it civilly then". At some point the defendent's lawyer said "Araiza's parents asked me to ask you about a number" which the defendent's lawyer THEN ignored.
  15. This has been rehashed over and over. CA is a wobbler law in which the facts and situation determine which side the charge falls on. Not black and white math between ages.
  16. Its going to be hard for people to let go of that particular allegation though.
  17. I mean if you want to live in a dystopian world where mega corps take away your livelihood because it affected their reputation and not based on truth then sure. I am for cutting him if the tape is as it says it is and he admitted to statutory rape on the phone, but you are saying just the mere accusation causing the reflection of a poor image on your company? Dystopian nightmare and we are already living it.
  18. Only thing that would be is that the recorded phone call with her is not what they claim it to be. I have a suspicion the bills didnt know about the phone call and thought it was a he said she said case and he claimed he did nothing wrong.
  19. Theres plenty of cases in which women falsely accuse men of assault. I dont think this is the case here but to believe that women or even men aren't capable of lying about such things is pretty naive. Like this lady:
  20. Police have a recording of him admitting to statutory rape according to the civil suit. I'd love to know how that is pearl clutching? We don't need the distraction period.
  21. Just release him and remove the Buffalo Bills and this distraction from the equation. The civil suit alleges they have a recording of him admitting to statutory rape. We don't need this distraction. She needs justice. Let it sort itself out. Go find a punter/holder.
  22. joint practices between SB winner and loser no less. 😂
  23. Id imagine this was in his free agency period in 2020 but who knows. It does feel like we've been without Brady for longer than 2 years though. What a relief to finally have him gone but wish Allen could've played him a few more times.
  24. I think the difference comes down to Ravens get to play the Broncos/Jaguars/Giants whereas the Bengals get to play the Titans/Chiefs/Cowboys. 13-4 Ravens: W Jets W Dolphins W Patriots L Bills L Bengals W Giants W Browns L Buccaneers W Saints W Panthers W Jaguars L Broncos W Steelers W Browns W Falcons W Steelers W Bengals 12-5 Bengals: W Steelers L Cowboys W Jets W Dolphins W Ravens W Saints W Falcons W Browns W Panthers W Steelers L Titans W Chiefs W Browns L Buccaneers W Patriots L Bills L Ravens
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