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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. More cloudy, 10 degrees cooler, and no indication on whether Flores prohibited the same measures (tents, cooling benches, misters or whatever) that McDaniels did. Difficult to find that info since we didn't see the same heat exhaustion as last year. Thats the key part. On the field both teams play in the sun. Off the field both teams should have some reprieve from oppressive heat, just like in the winter we have heaters. On the field both teams fight it out in the elements.
  2. Can you tell us when we saw a game of attrition due to the heat like we saw sunday? You guys are acting so arrogant about this being about the bills losing, when we have never seen what we saw sunday. If the home bench gets shade, then the visitor bench should get shade (aka tents). It is beyond moronic to say "hey we aren't using tents on the shaded home side, so you guys over there in the sun can't either."
  3. Wait. We didn't play the dolphins this week and lose to them and there is still a thread about Tua and concussions. I was under the impression such threads were only the result of us being sore losers and just wanted him to be benched so we could win.
  4. Exactly. Maybe they should cry about it.
  5. So we are talking about Tua and a concussion, is this still because we lost last week or is it because it is obvious they bypassed protocol and didnt really care about his health.
  6. 1st half only? Dolphins had 89 yards resulting in points. Bills had 150 yards resulting in points. yards and even yards per play arent the end all be all statistic on which team did better.
  7. In the 1st half no, besides the turnover. We should have had minimum 17-7 lead at the half if it wasn't for our mistakes (missed field goal opportunity, and turnover in our own end - credit their defense for the turnover.) In the 2nd half, yes they were better than the first half on paper: 1) held us to a field goal 2) held us to a field goal attempt and subsequently tipped it for no points 3) stopped us 4 consecutive plays on the 2 yard line. a) singletary rush 1 yard b) Josh Allen run for -1 yard c) incomplete pass d) incomplete pass. 4) stopped our game winning drive Blame our 2nd half offensive failure on the heat and exhaustion and depletion or whatever which is fine, I dont necessarily think their defense is top notch, but it doesn't mean our defense was bad, so i don't get the comparison.
  8. Based on the idea that unknown coach x will not only put us in the position that both Beane and McDermott have put us in year after year consistently being in super bowl discussions, but win us super bowls. Put another way, why do you think unknown coach x will be better? Why rock that boat? We are competitive. I mean isn't it that only 2 head coaches have multiple super bowl wins this millennium? Do we really think we are trending the wrong direction to achieve at least one to just go ahead and blow it all up?
  9. National talking heads dont have anything to do with how hot mcdermott's seat will get. They can talk about it all they want, McDermott isn't going anywhere so long as we continue to compete deep into the playoffs.
  10. I guess I am not understanding why yards per play for our offense has anything to do with our depleted defense holding the vaunted dolphins offensive with "the 2 best receivers" to short drives resulting in punts? It was impressive regardless of a comparison to how our offense did?
  11. Is it though? The dolphins offense were in fact on the field during the game and the defense did this. That was pretty impressive given the status of the defense. Punt 2:26 TD (off Josh Allen Fumble from 6 yard line) 1:36 TD 5:14 Punt 2:09 Punt 1:58 Punt 1:40 TD 4:04 Punt 0:13 Edit, I'll just add the drive times bc it shows the defense got the Miami offense off the field quickly.
  12. Its amazing how quickly people forget.
  13. It has probably been discussed, but has anyone mentioned that the Ravens are beaten up and injured too? This was them before the game sunday:
  14. The hold looked good to me. If you slow down the video to 0.25 in the youtube settings one of the fins players hands certainly look like it got up there at the same spot and time as the ball. Just slightly but enough to change the trajectory.
  15. It's a vicious cycle of correcting this. I don't know why people think its because we lost. I guarantee this topic would have been here if we won. Same with the Tua concussion thread. No one wants to see either situation when they are watching football.
  16. This was discussed. They were all cooler and we didn't see the effects on players we saw sunday. Nothing to do with the loss. Show me a game previously where we saw this effect.
  17. Morning football sounds like fun but you are right, missing half the country while they are still sleeping is unlikely.
  18. Not sure if serious or not but I posted this on the prior page. https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/fl/miami/KMIA/date/2022-9-25 Yesterday: Time Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind Wind Speed Wind Gust Pressure Precip. Condition 12:53 PM89 °F72 °F57 %ESE6 mph0 mph29.89 in0.0 inPartly Cloudy 1:53 PM89 °F73 °F59 %ESE9 mph0 mph29.86 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 2:53 PM88 °F74 °F63 %E10 mph0 mph29.84 in0.0 inPartly Cloudy 3:53 PM88 °F75 °F65 %E13 mph0 mph29.82 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/fl/miami/KMIA/date/2021-9-19 Last year: Time Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind Wind Speed Wind Gust Pressure Precip. Condition 12:53 PM88 °F76 °F67 %E9 mph0 mph30.01 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 1:40 PM81 °F75 °F82 %VAR3 mph0 mph30.00 in0.1 inHeavy T-Storm 1:53 PM81 °F76 °F85 %W7 mph0 mph30.00 in0.2 inT-Storm 2:53 PM77 °F75 °F94 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.98 in0.4 inT-Storm 3:13 PM78 °F75 °F90 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.97 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 3:53 PM81 °F76 °F85 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.96 in0.0 inMostly Cloud
  19. Pretty sure the people bringing up 2021 weather are the people arguing that this conversation is all because we lost and not because we saw players throwing up and falling over from heat exhaustion. Either we build our new stadium to ensure the home bench is protected from the elements and ban heaters on the visitor sidelines or the dolphins allow a few popup tents and cooling benches. Its that easy. But we all know that no one is going to be a big enough dick to design our new stadium to prevent the visitor side from getting heat. But hOmEFieLD AdVAnTaGe am i right?
  20. Because it was a lot cooler and mostly cloudy.... https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/fl/miami/KMIA/date/2022-9-25 Yesterday: Time Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind Wind Speed Wind Gust Pressure Precip. Condition 12:53 PM89 °F72 °F57 %ESE6 mph0 mph29.89 in0.0 inPartly Cloudy 1:53 PM89 °F73 °F59 %ESE9 mph0 mph29.86 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 2:53 PM88 °F74 °F63 %E10 mph0 mph29.84 in0.0 inPartly Cloudy 3:53 PM88 °F75 °F65 %E13 mph0 mph29.82 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/fl/miami/KMIA/date/2021-9-19 Last year: Time Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind Wind Speed Wind Gust Pressure Precip. Condition 12:53 PM88 °F76 °F67 %E9 mph0 mph30.01 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 1:40 PM81 °F75 °F82 %VAR3 mph0 mph30.00 in0.1 inHeavy T-Storm 1:53 PM81 °F76 °F85 %W7 mph0 mph30.00 in0.2 inT-Storm 2:53 PM77 °F75 °F94 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.98 in0.4 inT-Storm 3:13 PM78 °F75 °F90 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.97 in0.0 inMostly Cloudy 3:53 PM81 °F76 °F85 %CALM0 mph0 mph29.96 in0.0 inMostly Cloud We had a lot of the same players last year and they weren't suffering like this. You literally have players laying on the ground, and throwing up. Like wtf guys. Let them have shade when off the field. All we are saying is the visitor bench should be allowed to have shade, and cooling benches. Miami doesn't use them because they built their stadium in the damn shade. Like someone else said, we should just build our bench enclosed in the new stadium and say "hey we aren't using heaters, you can't either.".
  21. All I've gotta say is karma. I hope he's ok but I saw plenty of pats fans ecstatic at hearing the Micah Hyde news. Karmas a B word.
  22. There is no shade on the visitor sideline during gametime. They built the stadium specifically so that their side is shaded while the visitor side is in the sun, then claim they dont have tents (shade) so visitors cannot have it.
  23. I missed the 1st half of the quarter bc of Paramount+ screw up. I blame this on why Allen fumbled in dolphins territory.
  24. At least they get sideline heaters. Which is the point. For player safety, they should allow covered benches. I can't imagine the NFL allowing the prohibition of heaters on sidelines.
  25. Your links were to game summaries, not weather reports. You keep seeing what you want to see instead of what I am writing. I don't care about the loss. I am already over it. We will obliterate their trash team in december like we dismantled the patriots last year. I simply don't want to see what I saw yesterday.
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