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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. Haha, I've been spending too much time monitoring the dolphins forums. They are more keyed in on their player/teams activities than we are obviously. They have been bashing the snow quite a bit over there with some over the top assertions, but I am not about to make a login over there to argue it haha. You gave me an opportunity
  2. Eh these past 2 winters were kind of bad, but like everything it goes through cycles. We had some very minor winters in the last decade. I think people tend to overestimate the level of snow we actually get. I saw someone estimate that the freak snow storm gave us 8 feet of snow which was outside the 3-4 feet we normally get weekly http://weather.buffalonews.com/interactive-map-winter-2015-snowfall-totals/ North Tonawanda where I live got a total of 104 inches over the winter. That was a bad winter. Doesn't seem like much when you think about it though. Edit: The further south you go, the more snow you get though.
  3. Yeah I don't know all the rules. I just know the miami fans are yucking it up over there on their forum.
  4. Does this mean they can't sign him either until then?
  5. Haha. It makes me wonder if Rex broke any NFL rules or if it was a loophole. If exams are lasting until May 9th, this may exceed #claywatch's post/page count.
  6. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/05/teams-cant-meet-with-lael-collins-yet/ Interesting
  7. Its a stigma that we probably won't ever shed. It says something that people who come here like it and want to stay, but it isn't enough to change the stigma. The other half of it is people who don't want to live here are always trashing the place rather than picking themselves up and moving to where they will be happy. Their constant complaints are louder than anything, and that is what outsiders hear.
  8. Looks like they aren't flying commercial. Unfortunately.
  9. Rodaks damn tweet is catching steam in all these articles saying we are unlikely to sign collins with him as the source.
  10. Haha Miami fans on twitter are ripping on Philbin quite a bit. "This is looking better by the minute. Good move to send those guys to neutralize presence of Philbin." and "shoulda left Philbin home. He will screw up the deal."
  11. Thats awesome that the jet can be tracked haha. Not so much that they went home though. Like others said, maybe they are flying home to pick some people up. Is Collins meeting with the Dolphins in Baton Rouge or Miami?
  12. Let's say the Rookie wage scale is $500,000 per year. 6.85% is the amount paid greater than 200K. He only plays 8 home games (let's not count where away games are). So 250,000 taxable NY home game income. So NY Taxes would be about $17,000. *This is a very simplified way of looking at it, and I am guessing at the $500K amount. It may be larger, may be smaller. If I were him, I wouldn't let $17k determine what team I chose. That doesn't mean he would rather choose here, but that it isn't as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Cost of living is high down there as well, and his 500K won't go as far. I doubt he cares about that though.
  13. So is it fairly certain he is signed by tomorrow? (edit: by any team?)
  14. Buffalo Rumblings is reporting official meeting tuesday. Looks like that was what was meant by "unsanctioned" meeting.
  15. You don't think so? I mean I don't believe it is seriously accurate but it sure does feel like it. I think everyone believes the AFC East got a whole lot better so far this off season. Maybe it's all hype. I certainly want collins to come to us over them though. Definitely! Not saying we didn't. We had a fantastic off season so far. Gotta admit the AFC East GM's are going big this off season though.
  16. Man, if Miami signs him I am going to be pissed. It feels like every big name free agent/draft prospect is going to someone the bills play this year, specifically our division.
  17. There is a whole lot of draft hype and over speculation this time of year. I know some people were trying to call this WR class similar to last years. I take all of this with a grain of salt until I see the impact on the field. We will see if these WR's have as much impact as last years did. They won't. I think this extends to the other positions as well.
  18. This is also an overlooked benefit of freddy. Fred Jackson had: 14 games - 1026 total yards and 3 tds in 2014 16 games - 1277 total yards and 10 tds in 2013 Some might see that as a regression. I think the red zone especially was more an indication of how awful and inept our offense was as a whole, and less a sign of Freddy regressing.
  19. Because he has 1 year on his contract, and he has deep roots within the community and the team. He still produces, and out produces all of the RB's that were on the team last year. He led the team in first downs, and his second effort are likely one of the reasons we went 9-7 (We know for sure in 1 game at the very least) There is no valid reason to cut him. Until we go to training camp and Bryce Brown, Karlos Williams, or Boobie Dixon perform demonstrably better, why would you cut him? You need to have a better reason besides saying "he is old". Yes he is old, but he still performs, and he still has a major presence in the locker room. If you honor the end of a players contract that may push another player to consider signing long term as well. I know it's business, but cutting a team leader to save cap for the sake of saving cap would be pretty disrespectful to me if I was a player watching the situation unfold. Show me (or his teammates) a player Whaley and co aren't signing because of Fred Jackson, and maybe they will see the light, but at this point people are arguing to cut him simply to cut him and it is absurd. To summarize, show people a valid reason for cutting him, and people may understand. But at this point the argument is to cut him because "it"s time" and thats BS in my opinion.
  20. Ok thanks for doing this! If it comes down to what I asked for and none, I'll take less! Some are better than none! Don't want to be greedy.
  21. I thought we disproved this in another thread? Does a new thread mean we can rehash the same false equivalencies and baseless arguments? If you are attacking the cap number, let me know who we aren't signing because of Fred's 2.7 million dollar cap hit
  22. Common theme in both clips is Fred making things happen when we need him to. He made a mistake that time, but doesn't do it often.
  23. I know this is your opinion, but please back it up with a little substance or fact. Jackson and Watkins were second only to the defense in reasons the bills went 9-7. Fred was getting it done all year long with 49 first downs and over 1000 total yards.
  24. Led the team in first downs last year.
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