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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. Wasn't he traded after the Jaguars found a more worthy project in Bortles? I don't think Cassel or Taylor qualify as that. Edit: I looked it up, and he was traded in March it looks like. The Jaguars picked 3rd though, so I assume they were confident they'd get their guy, and this was the plan.
  2. I think the closest was Jerry Jones coming out and confirming his support of Goodell and that one of his best qualities is fairness. http://espn.go.com/blog/dallas-cowboys/post/_/id/4742431/jerry-jones-supportive-of-roger-goodell
  3. No problem, you got me thinking that his actual words might clarify it. I completely agree though. Tyrod and Cassel have to show they are head and shoulders above Manuel before we cut him. If it is really "Cassel's job to lose" then I would rather Manuel be our backup than Taylor. I know fans are seduced by the unknown factor with Taylor, but just like Manuel, he has to prove he can actually do something to deserve that hype.
  4. Not that I'm on the side of cutting Manuel or anything, I myself don't think it would make any sense, but it looks as if Vic Carucci did say "either way". http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/05/15/mailbag-by-vic-caruccimanuel-will-have-chance-to-start-opener/ Sorry JTSP, looks like you were right the first time with what Carucci said at least. The NFL.com article was a little sketchy on the details.
  5. You are asking for trouble with the title. The article doesn't say he won't make the roster, just that he will be up for trade. If no one accepts a trade offer, then he will still be on the roster. Therefore he will "make" the roster either way. There is really no point in cutting him, and they won't.
  6. You just linked a debunking story that references the very report that claims deflator meant losing weight. Goodell should throw out the appeal just for them thinking the fans are that stupid. I hate to keep harping on the deflator weight lie, but I can't get past the fact that if they are willing to make up that kind of BS, then anything else they say should be regarded with incredulity, and ridiculed. They are just throwing BS out there to see what sticks with the public so they can turn the PR tables on Goodell.
  7. when they start introducing BS contrary "evidence" like deflator means losing weight, they lose all credibility in my eyes,
  8. This whole conversation is reading like the Patriots forum except with informed rebuttal against the blind fans hopeless arguments that Wells is somehow in the wrong for trying to thoroughly investigate the situation. "Excessive" investigating by Well's in the face of being criticized that he didn't investigate and look at the "evidence" enough. Pure gold.
  9. So at this point is it accurate to say that there are two separate things going on here? 1. Tom Brady's 4 game suspension 2. The Patriots forfeit of draft picks, and $1,000,000.00 fine While Tom Brady has appealed his suspension, he is only appealing his suspension. Kraft and the Patriots have until next week to appeal the loss of draft picks and the fine. Is that accurate? I see a lot of people saying Goodell could reverse all of it, but if the above is accurate, he can't or wouldn't reverse all of it correct? I'm sure Goodell can do nearly whatever he wants, but within the context of the Tom Brady appeal, the fine and loss of draft picks wouldn't apply, right?
  10. Dareus had no idea that he was illegally drag racing, he drives his car a certain way, and he had no idea why Hughes was trying to keep up with him. He doesn't even know Hughes! How dare they run a sting to catch someone doing something illegal?
  11. I don't know if its been posted, but have you guys seen what they are trying to say what calling McNally the "deflator" meant? It was because he was trying to lose weight. With a needle. And Tom Brady was supporting him by giving him autographed stuff signed "keep it up man! You are doing great!" Not really those last two, but seriously, I hate lawyers. The neutral arbitrator should throw it out just based on that BS of an lie. http://wellsreportcontext.com/ That link is from Brady's lawyers official site on this BTW. Here is the excerpt:
  12. If they added all red, this will be the happiest I have ever been with the uniforms.
  13. Ok, I'll call them tomorrow, they are closed at the moment. Thanks. Edit: They come off hold after a few hours it seems. I was able to purchase my seasons, so I no longer need extra tickets! First time season ticket holder! Hopefully it will be the beginning of a longtime STH! Thanks again for all the effort Jay!
  14. Thanks for the info. I think I convinced a couple people to get seasons with me. We are at the top of the top, but it will be a good time none the less. I found 4 good seats that I really liked. I clicked "HOLD these seats" when I was signed in as guest, and then when I logged in it said these seats were unavailable. I don't think they were purchased yet, because they are the only seats that changed between the Guest Signin, and my actual username signin. So I think I am holding tickets against myself ....although they could very well have been taken. That would be unlucky. Anyway, I have an e-mail out to the Front Office, but in the meantime, does anyone know how long a hold lasts? And is it even possible to hold seats as a guest?
  15. How does this work for season ticket holders anyway? When buying extra tickets is it first come first serve or based on seniority?
  16. I know I am likely low(or high?) on the totem pole, so I am unlikely to get any, but if it helps any, I can reduce my ticket request from 9 to 3. I'll also start looking elsewhere. Thank you for all of your efforts Jay!
  17. Absolutely not. Maybe I am stupid and naive, but I take it as a point of pride that the Bills have been implicated in very few cases of breaking the rules. I don't think we need spygate or deflated balls to win, and I would hope my team wouldn't compromise their integrity to do it.
  18. True, fans will be crazy and out of touch no matter what. It is their definition. I think Brady's agent is using that fanaticism to further his own goals as well though. They are really out of touch though haha. They are talking defamation, Wells losing the license, Brady taking the Nuclear option, Kraft taking the nuclear option, Court battles, etc... There are a select few of them that are saying things like this though at least: "maybe we are seeing through our pats fans eyes..people elsewhere e.g reddit think wells nailed in the presser and no way even an independent arbitrator reduces the suspension." Edit: And then are there statements like these: "Just like we've all been taught in Arbitration 101: The best way to stand by your unbiased, objective report when it comes under criticism, is by further alienating one side by trashing them to the press, acting neurotically defensive, and uttering regretful statements that destroy your own scientific fabrications." Man are they blinded by what they themselves are saying.
  19. This is so true. On the fan side, the Pats fans are just being a holes now. Just take your punishment and shut up. Pats Fan 1: "Yee, Pats' lawyers and any Brady lawyers are gonna tear him a new one. I'll be surprised if his bar license isn't revoked after Yee et al expose all his unethical BS." Pats Fan 2: "I was wondering if Wells could lose his license, I can't imagine him ever doing a high profile investigation again that's for sure. He might work out a deal with a Goodell for another investigation to clear some other team/players name and not favor the NFL to prove his lack of bias." The common theme over there is that Wells wasn't independent, and was biased or influenced by the NFL. Per their own unbiased, and independent investigation, Pats Fans have determined that there is no credible evidence, and that this is a sham by the nfl to punish the golden boy that they have protected every way possible for the last decade+.
  20. Brief Intro to a CBS article I got in my e-mail. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25181635/patriots-will-fight-suspension-and-use-it-as-motivation-on-the-field Jason La Canfora: Title: "Patriots will fight suspension, and use it as motivation on the field" Subtitle"The Deflategate punishment for Tom Brady and the Patriots is harsher than expected, but this is an organization that overcomes adversity time and again." So now, this isn't their fault, but they will use it as motivation on the field, and will overcome the adversity and cruelty that is the NFL. You can't make this BS up.
  21. You wanted to give up 24 year old Kiko Alonso for who? 33 year old Evan Mathis? And then leave it up to chance that Murray may or may not sign here? And Spiller may have already been gone. Geez, stop calling Whaley man.
  22. Page 42 of the Well's Report. C. Role of Jim McNally Jim McNally is the Officials Locker Room attendant for the Patriots. He has been employed by the Patriots as a seasonal or part-time employee for the past 32 years and during the 2014-15 season worked for the Patriots on a part-time/hourly basis only on the days on which the Patriots had home games.22 He first worked as a ball boy, and explained that his role evolved over time to supporting the equipment staff and helping with the game officials. He has held his current title since approximately 2007. 22 McNally‟s schedule has been limited to home games for the past two or three seasons. Prior to that, he would travel with the team to certain road games. He explained that he stopped traveling with the team when additional full-time personnel were added to the equipment staff.
  23. I believe he was traveling with the team for a few years at some point. Then I guess they hired more full time people so he stopped going to away games. I can't remember if it is in the report, or an article I read.
  24. So the site about cheating in the NFL is breaking the rules of the site?
  25. Fantastic Half of them are writing letters to Kraft telling him to stick up for Brady lol. Gotta hand it to them, they are sticking to their guns.
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