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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. No I am not. Kromer is very likely more concerned with his job than the court system right now. He very likely isn't going to jail, and losing his job means losing a large amount of money. Legal experts, Why doesn't this apply here? Were the chairs not on his property?
  2. Players peformed at a lower level than they did the prior year. Watch Fred Jackson's game tape, he may be ancient but he still made things happen out of a broken system.
  3. They have access to interview Kromer and probably his kid for one, and as Augie said the NFL has their own investigators. I am 100% sure the well of information about the situation goes far deeper than us. That's a good point, but as far as I know nothing is happening in the football world at this point, since training camp starts in a few weeks. I've also read speculation his successor would be someone already on staff, so they are likely already taking action so that the team isn't at a loss.
  4. I agree. This leads me to wonder if the Pegula's will be the type that deem Kromer to still have a place in the organization or not based on the facts they hold on the case that most of us do not. Or will they be they type of Owner's that bow to public pressure that the "not on my team" people exert who may never know the unbiased, and unspun facts of the case, and the context in which they took place. I have a deep confidence that they will be the 1st type. Exactly my thought.
  5. I just feel like with Zachery being charged it goes from Aaron flying off of the handle for no apparent reason to something more that has not yet been explained. This should give people pause from shouting for his firing but it won't,
  6. Do we know if it was before or after his dad hit the kid? Are there any more details? I didn't hear this before, but haven't been keeping up with the thread.
  7. Why is Zachery being charged? Didn't he stick around to help find the fishing pole, and his dad was just a psycho that he couldn't keep his psychotic urges to flip out on innocent teenagers in check?
  8. We should probably get rid of the whole o line too then.
  9. Wow. Just wow. Did they not deny Wells another interview of McNally? Citing that he should have asked him when he had the chance? And then here they say this is something that should of clearly been investigated more thoroughly by the Well's team, but they themselves denied Well's thorough access to investigate.
  10. What are you talking about? Do they give you a pitchfork and torch, or do you have to buy your own? This is what the court is for. Thousands of people have went through the court systems for such things, and have paid the designated fine/penalty. You are flat out deciding that since you have heard of Kromer, he deserves a much harsher penalty - let's cost him his job. Otherwise show me your campaign for increasing the penalties for misdemeanor assaults in your area? It doesn't have to be anything special. Just show me you've done something.
  11. I get that, I don't necessarily agree with that methodology, but I get it. But are we expecting him to get fired because this is a public facing issue detrimental to the organization, or is it public facing so we are expecting him to get fired? That may not have made sense, but I believe there is a distinct difference, and I don't see any reason the guy can't have justice served in the court system, and still be an offensive line coach for the Buffalo Bills. Can the guy never work again? Is the next company that hires him morally deficient? What is the etiquette here? And who are the public to decide this?
  12. I have no idea where you work, but I don't believe most places would do that. Unless you miss some amount of time dealing with the courts, or spend time in jail most companies don't dabble into your personal life. And even then, it is a business decision based on productivity in the workplace and not an "ethical firing". The only thing driving the chance that Kromer will get fired is the public and their incessant holier than though, "I don't like what that person did, so I am going to scream until I ruin their life" attitudes. It is the modern day equivalent to a mob grabbing their pitchforks and torches. It is a pretty sad day when the criminal punishment for an action is far better and more pleasant than the public mob who will do much worse to you. Get over it. It isn't your job to punish Kromer.
  13. Good article. I think everyone knew the coaching was off the last 2 years. Last year especially. We also had fan blinders on, and hoped it was Hackett more than Marrone.
  14. It doesn't though. Just look at the comments of anything related to the case (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, News articles). The Witch Hunt is going strong and people refuse to stand for this child abuser. They mean to erase him from existence so that justice will be served, and their job is done!
  15. Makes sense. The vultures are already circling that this is just a paid vacation for him and they should just fire him. In reality, I think it is like you say, just something they had to do in the meantime while it gets sorted out.
  16. https://twitter.com/viccarucci/status/621033135065710592 https://twitter.com/viccarucci/status/621032790998577156 Carucci explanations/details
  17. Paid administrative leave. Curious to know what this means, good or bad.
  18. I think that most people defending Kromer agree that he overreacted and did something wrong even if he was provoked. However they also believe it is pretty unreasonable to believe that he went after the kids unprovoked. So just understand that when you think defending Kromer means the kid deserved to be hit. He probably didn't but it is for the court of law to decide. It is not the job of the public to exert pressure on high profile companies who will make knee jerk reactions to save face so that this "criminal" will get his "just" punishment. If people think that the punishment is too lenient for this type of crime, change it the right way - through the system. Who are the public to be judge, jury, and executioner - it's mob mentality, and it destroys a lot of peoples lives (even perfectly innocent people). I've said it before in this thread, but I am so tired of this "why does this person still have a job" mentality these days.
  19. The father of someone I knew in high school was named Philip Wade during the Wade Philips tenure.
  20. Geez guys, is it really so hard to believe it was dark out, some kids were messing with his stuff, he confronted them, they were disrespectful, and he overreacted? Is he really the devil at this point? Did he do something wrong? Sure. Should he be charged with battery? Probably. Should he lose his job, and be an outcast for the rest of his life? Get a grip. I know if some kids were pulling chairs from my backyard, I would confront them too. The world isn't all rosey, people make wrong decisions and they are punished for it in court. They don't need to be blacklisted because you read it on the internet. Such an overreaction.
  21. Sometimes non confrontational people try to smooth things over after they know something just went wrong. They could have been calling the police or something and to try to make things better, he tried to help them find their stuff. Kromer shouldn't have punched the kid, but come on. Does anyone really think these kids were just minding their own business and Kromer came out on a tear going "WTF are you doing sitting in my chairs you punks?" and the kids were like "we are sorry Mr. Kromer, we didn't know these were your chairs, honestly!" More like Kromer has had issues with these kids in the past and their stubbornness in being told what to do, and lack of respect led Kromer to fly off the handle. Not exactly justification, but I picture the school teachers who fly off the handle and get fired because the kids in class are so blatently disrespectful and disruptive and they just can't take it anymore. Maybe I am just bias against kids, but they don't start off with a lot of credibility in my book. And who is anyone to tell him otherwise!
  22. A lot of the police and fire departments have facebook pages now a days in which they post details of where they are being called to and for what reason. I don't know what the end game of doing this is but I guess it is a modern version of the police beat.
  23. The comments on that page are just awful. Some of the beauts: Jordan Crowder Don't be mad at us because you have to live in Buffalo. How is a grown man punching a child in the face only a misdemeanor? Trish Day LeClere Oh my gosh. That is crazy. Poor kids just out fishing!!! I hope their parents sue. Doug Moon I guess the Beach really becomes important when you spend time in Buffalo Sheesh Eric Wolf If EJ Manuel was your best option at quarterback.... you might punch a child in the face too. Then there's this one: Dawn Dagenais When my kids were young.... two girls came into my yard bullied my son kicked him ..... my husband yelled at them to get lost and out of the yard. They went home and told THEIR parents that he picked them up over his head and threw them over the fence. All to tell their story before they got in trouble. My husband was arrested. We paid 900$ to a lawyer just to have the parents drop the charges and not show up to court...... moral of the story..... wait for the whole story people..... Just a good reason to take these early reports with a grain of salt. The Bills Organization's next move will determine how serious this is. I have faith that they will not jump to be out of the negative light and fire the guy just because of allegations. The NFL is a different story, but we will see what happens next year with that.
  24. If he had his fist around it, it could have amplified the damage. Maybe he picked up what he thought was a dud and was carrying it. Who knows. Surprised the story hasn't come out yet though. They were playing with some pretty serious fireworks though. I've never fired off the mortar rounds, so maybe someone can elaborate one how one would be injured in that way using those.
  25. Dallas - That Monday night game was brutal not to mention the Super Bowls. Cleveland - Two teams competing to not be the best of mediocrity.
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