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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. Is it on any streaming or on demand service? I missed recording it when it aired last year.
  2. That HC would be ripped apart here with his calm and seemingly "oh well" demeanor. I have seen Jets fans complaining about it already, especially when he misses calls he should have made. Just wait til the honeymoon stage is over.
  3. I believe this has been mentioned by him before, those words - that "they thought they could just go in and be great, and didn't think they'd have to put the time and effort in" sound familiar. This is a fairly good article as well. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/03/24/bills-ilb-preston-brown-has-a-plan-in-2016-i-need-to-take-charge/ We will see how it translates this year. Despite the N3's, I am still flying high as an triple O!
  4. As much as I think that Fitzpatrick is not the future of any NFL team, I think we would have been much better off keeping him instead of swapping in Kolb.
  5. The highlights for the redskins are available on youtube for all to see. But yeah we will just chalk up 94's lack of effort as being told to just stand there and fake being blocked. The Redskin blocking him must've had a smile on his face all day - easiest assignment ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxC8klUIwDg All in the first minute.
  6. Do these ones get credit? Or are they the wrong ones to listen to? Originally Posted by RaisingTheBar Florio said that Rob pretty much said he was handcuffed here and it wasn't his defense he wanted to run. Payton's response was it's never anyone person's defense, it's a collective process but he was very much a part of it and had a lot of say. Indeed..I think under the circumstances RR did do a good job. Bad FA signings, loss of veterans, injuries, influx of rookies, scheme changes all had an effect. Truth is we need more than a damn good job to be done. We needed it to be excellent, better than damn good...and in that respect...he failed. And my god would Rex Ryan be railroaded if this was one of his players saying this: Breaux made a comment that had caught my ear during his interview at the Saints HOF golf tournament. Breaux talks about the off-season & his golf game talking about the transition/install to DA's system "It's much easier now, you know. We can just play instead of thinking." not that it wasnt obvious from watching them play under Ryan. But it was clearly a very real issue, and not just one the posters of the board thought was happening. __________________
  7. Ohhh I see. Haha, "I can't go to jail, I've got practice tomorrow, cover me!"
  8. The article isn't working for me now, but I thought Giga was the police officer that took Misi down? I thought Misi went after some guy named Cabrera or something.
  9. Was it Lynch that hasn't spent a dollar of his contract and has saved it all? Or am I thinking of another player?
  10. I can see why you would have a problem with it then. Like others have said, it is nice to see a member of the media come down to the message board level and have a discussion with us!
  11. it wasn't a leo so it's all good.
  12. This exactly. The assessed values of your homes are less than the market values (usually). The Market value is usually what people are willing to pay for your property. This can usually change a lot, while assessed values are relatively constant until the City decides to reassess which citizens fight tooth and nail every time.
  13. No, of course not, but I don't think the two are the same thing. Independent journalists don't have a conflict of interest with the team, they have a conflict of journalistic integrity, accuracy, and separating their opinion from reporting. Whereas the Bills PR department certainly puts some sort of spin on what they release to their benefit. I don't think anyone wants a Bills only PR department with no outside reporting. Even the Bills. They seem to simply want to restrict the reporting of play by plays on social media, which I understand why. Twitter for example is a purely reactionary platform, and as I said before is a like a barrage of hits to the fan base, and undue emphasis is placed on a practice. But they lifted it on writing reports didn't they? But left the play by plays or social media updates restricted. Which to me seems to be precisely what they want to prevent. They just painted the policy in broad strokes.
  14. I would argue that the media no longer has a vested interest in their reader's trust because social media, and the internet has opened up the media to millions upon millions of customers who are inconsistent enough to not care about trust or accuracy, but about content they can digest. Of course there are a few exceptions.
  15. Yeah, one might say well Eric Wood shouldn't let this affect him, he is a professional. I guess, but what is the value in the reporting though? With our rabid fanbase? I think so. It isn't coddling so much that it is allowing these guys to practice how they can with coaches, and as Yolo said, try new techniques. They are humans. The constant bashing on twitter, and social media in general has to affect them especially rookies. Even if they should learn to ignore it, I don't see the positive side of reporting play by play's in practice. If you want to write up an article critiquing the players based on your observations great, but the twitter updates are like a barrage of hits to the fan base just over and over again when so much emphasis should not be placed on what happens in practice. I know the twitter updates last year had me pretty convinced that the QB situation was hopeless. Maybe I'm way off base, who knows.
  16. Do you think that was based on last years hysteria? I remember constant reporting on twitter for the QB competition. The hysteria comes in when the general public overreacts to what they are hearing. It just wasn't necessary, and it looks as though that is what they were confronting. They didn't want that this year, especially if Tyrod misses a few guys in practice.
  17. He should have called the police and waited patiently before retaliating. Half the season at least. If it weren't amateur hour in the Dolphin's organization they would release him.
  18. One of my favorite responses to those comments: Also I wonder if there are Ravens fans calling this amateur hour and putting Harbaugh on the hotseat, and claiming the Ravens "think they are smarter than everyone else in the room"
  19. Going by that metric (which I question), you realize Rex Ryan's Jets defense was 11th in YPG in 2013? A 1.5 ypg difference.
  20. Seeing as how Pettine never had a top 10 defense with the Bills, I assumed you were talking about his 9th ranked defense (PPG) with the Browns. My bad.
  21. The Bills look bad to anyone that is willing to listen to the nonstop 24 hour news cycle about a GM who didn't know about some surgery for his 1st round pick, and doesn't think players should be playing football. Sure. Absolutely. Except as Bills fans we know that's not what happened. For example half the comments I see people making about "players shouldn't play football" were either "then why is he a GM?" or "doesn't he know that without football he would be out of a job" and then "what an idiot" or "0-16". Give me a break. These are the people that we care what they think? Let alone the actual reports who can't seem to grasp the concept with access to the full quote. Why would they? Playing stupid makes them more money. Doug Whaley thinks "humans shouldn't play football" sounds better and makes more money than "Doug Whaley thinks that Sammy Watkins has been injured because football is a violent game, and humans probably aren't supposed to be playing it" in reference to injuries happen in the league. Yes, the Bills look bad right now, because the media is doing it's thing, cashing in with no regard for the truth, because it's viewers don't care or require the truth.
  22. They don't look incompetent, you and the media look incompetent because you, a few others, and the local media can't seem to wrap their heads around each of those manufactured "issues" -Whaley still 100% believes his comment, and most people agree with him. He walked it back because of media overreaction. -Whaley said 3 immediate starters from the draft in reference to what they have at the positions and what he believes will be their spot. He also said of course there will be competition but if they don't fill those spots, then he didn't do his job. Another media overreaction. -Whaley never said there was no concern with Lawson's shoulder. He said he was cleared by medical and if something happens they will deal with it. Another media overreaction because Whaley didn't come right out and say "yeah he needs surgery guys! can you believe it!" Also implies the situation did not change, or they didn't change their mind which they have every right to do about a player and their health. Another media overreaction. -Media rules? Great they revised them because.....wait for it.....the media overreacted and stomped their feet. "The bills don't want you to know who dropped a pass" headline sound familiar? -Who cares who Rex Ryan introduces for President. He did not even endorse him. Either way the Bills organization distancing them from politics would seem like a good idea? No it was incompetence because Rex did something on his own time. Utter, utter nonsense.
  23. No it would be like him being asked why johnny broke his arm, and Whaley saying "well climbing fences and jumping out of trees are a part of life, and it is a dangerous game, personally I don't think humans are supposed to jump out of trees, And these things are going to come up. But we trust in our medical care and trust that Johnny will do what he has to do to get back outside climbing trees and jumping out of them" Whaley doesn't think kids should play outside!
  24. No, you are right 9th in points per game in 2014, and 29th in 2015. He is awesome but Rex sucks right!?
  25. Wouldn't the thousands of surgeries that have taken place be called into question to determine the safety of football before Whaley saying it is a violent game?
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