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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. It's not about hurting us, it is about releasing a non-story about something that would be announced in the future anyway, but now everyone is in panic mode because graham doesnt actually have any details. So now we are 13 pages into a thread where we know next to nothing more than when we started. I don't blame the guy for reporting it, but this pushing and pulling, and demonizing the bills organization for not commenting on it or commenting on it, and knowing about it or not knowing about it is annoying. It is generating controversy out of something that would've come out of the woodwork when the NFL:completes its investigation.
  2. The stadium was not named in memory of Ralph Wilson. Ralph Wilson ok'ed the idea to sell the naming rights in 2012. Would you be offended if Pegula named it Pegula Field? Why? Pegula is making his own contribution to the Buffalo Bills, and the city of Buffalo in his own right. Lastly, Pegula can do what he wants with what he paid $1.4 billion dollars for, and us fans "judging" from the sidelines can shove it about integrity and all that.
  3. I've heard "The Cap" tossed around.
  4. This type of article is why Tim Graham is so disliked. Look what came of the bs reporting? Now Manny Lawson lied, the Bills lied, and there is a whole conspiracy to fool us fans. No, more likely per NFL procedure, the Bills probably were aware of an investigation, but were not aware of the suspension because it has not been handed down yet. The same could go for Lawson who simply didn't think beyond this past offseason on what went wrong. Or maybe they are just trying to save face until it comes out? But no, it is a grand conspiracy to manipulate and lie to us fans because the Bills didn't immediately give you media pricks something to bash them about. So in return you will light the Bills org up as being untruthful and incompetent.
  5. This is it I think. I think fans snapped at him because it was almost gleefully reporting "Dareus suspended 4 games!" and directly after "I am hearing Manny Lawson is getting suspended too! - Isn't this fantastic?!" followed by "just trust me, you'll get the good news soon!"
  6. Even 18 seems lenient for 16 women?
  7. 10 games is a large chunk of change. Let's hope he is smart enough not to throw away all of that cash.
  8. Starting to think its true. Wish Lawson would either shut up or come clean. I don't need to hear him clarify at all, but I also don't need the "play dumb" routine.
  9. This needs to be nipped in the bud. I am not sure why people are trying to trap Rex in a "lie". Whether Rex knew Saturday or Monday, I am sure in his mind it is the exact same thing right now.
  10. This is nothing more than the hope of the unknown being better than the status quo. The people obnoxiously cheering for cleaning house will turn tail and go "same old bills" the minute something goes wrong for the new regime. Excuse the Pegula's for not following your theory.
  11. I'm guessing you are right then, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Manny Lawson is either lying or Graham's source is skewing the facts though. Lawson clearly stated the only thing that happened was his injury. "Oh yeeaaaah, that incident!" won't cut it.
  12. Yolo - Tim Graham is still pretty insistent https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham/status/765946127447314432 https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham/status/765946357609746432
  13. Ugh, now I am hoping he would've failed it, because that is just stupid.
  14. If Karlos let him down, I can't imagine how he is looking at Dareus right now.
  15. This couldn't have turned out better for us. Let's hope he steps it up and we don't have to worry about options.
  16. Any update today? NFL Network scared the out of me with the scroll bar at the bottom saying he will miss significant time.
  17. The problem lies in the privacy of other people. Let's say a trans boy wants to dress/shower/whatever in the girls locker room. Ok, now let's say a hetero boy (identifies as male) wants to dress/shower/whatever in the girls locker room. He doesn't want to be disincluded from the group maybe friends, kind people, etc.. This would hurt his "psyche", and he just feels more comfortable changing in the girls locker room. Why would you stop hetero boy, and not trans boy?
  18. What about the gender fluid people? Are they still discriminated against? I hear they can believe they are female at one point and male at another. When do they get equal rights? Also why are we segregating bathrooms and lockerrooms at all? Are we assuming males are sexual predators? Isn't that wrong? What if a male wants to be included in the female lockerroom? Who are you to say they can't? Wouldn't saying no irreparably harm their psyche? "Those women don't want me near them to be included in their ritual get dressed and undressed together party, They must think I am some kind of disgusting sexual predator " It's almost like we have rules in society agreed upon by the majority to respect privacy.
  19. Seriously wtf? This is all getting fairly irritating. Social media is like putting a magnifying glass on the lack of our ability to think critically, and take evidence and actions into consideration. https://twitter.com/Delo_Taylor/status/760508025367097344 "She shouldn't have put her child in that situation." What situation? They were in their own home where they should've been. #KorrynGaines https://twitter.com/LeslieMac/status/760508958540980224 #SayHerName And ya'll wonder why we need to seek refuge in Black Women only spaces online & IRL. #KorrynGaines https://twitter.com/MichelleHux/status/760458208091660288 remember. #KorrynGaines #SayHerName https://twitter.com/michellehux/status/751265548726575104 … https://twitter.com/BlackGirlNerds/status/760324493021634560 JFC. Law enforcement kills a mother and shoots her 5 year old child. This is horrendous. #KorrynGaines I'm seriously losing my faith and trust in law enforcement the more I see these stories emerging from the headlines. So sick to my stomach. Why does this keep happening? Makes no sense.
  20. The colts got fleeced cause they gave up a 1st round pick. The guy had one 950 yard season for 3.6 yards per carry. I don't know what got into them, I guess I can kind of see your point that a decent running attack would've helped Luck, but a 1st round pick? Ouch.
  21. Oh, ok that makes sense then. Now that I look at Miami's depth chart, Arian Foster just had to beat out Jay Ajayi to start, and it looks like he will. I'm a little worried about the RB's our division rivals are snatching up. I still think both Foster and Forte have something left in the tank.
  22. For around $3 million? Why didn't we contest for Arian Foster for less? Was it start potential?
  23. I keep seeing Darby struggling tweets, and Gilmore impressing tweets. Could we want to get Tyrod signed so we can be free to franchise Gilmore next year if we have to?
  24. Here is the real key of the article folks: A few feet away, Hand, a Nazi sympathizer of at least three decades, handed out flyers claiming there’s no racial bias in police shootings and supporting his write-in candidacy for U.S. Senate. The media has to make any connection to this fact to seem radical especially if a neo-nazi is spouting off about it. Whether the media's goal is to align with the left wing agenda, or ratings for their brutality craze or what. This was the purpose of this article.
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