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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. And why is this oppressive? Do we have significant evidence that these people aren't breaking the law? Are you just upset with the laws? Vote to get them changed. Until then the police have a job to do and that is enforcing the law. It's an amazing time when cops are blamed for criminals breaking the law. I am not sure American's know what oppression is.
  2. I hope he has explained to them that the state of the union just isn't good enough and that they need to do better!
  3. Well I will keep waiting for something outside of anecdotal cases to tell me otherwise. You keep believing in fairy tales of the big bad cop.
  4. There is no crisis. Police brutality is at an all time low.
  5. I don't know what you are on, but it took me a minute to figure out why you were calling me Jeff Either way keep using that "existence" of some problem that can't be refuted as basis for an epidemic of epic proportions that "all communities" virtually agree on. The system is just holding everyone down.
  6. Oh here it is, the race card on statistics! I made no statement about Black people being criminals or who's fault it is. People like CK make a ridiculous claim that an oppressive police force is murdering specifically minorities in the streets. They show statistics that show a disproportionate amount of blacks are involved in police shootings than white people (despite twice as many white people being killed). The explanation for this deviation from proportion is the higher level of contact with police, yes maybe because of poverty, or many other reasons that there is a higher proportion of crime but the important point is that it isn't racial bias by police. Edit: And I am not calling anyone a whiner. I am calling them wrong.
  7. They will never ever acknowledge this. There is no statistical bias in police shootings of black people. Zero. None. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or "were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force," according to Mac Donald in a speech at Hillsdale College. Some may argue that these statistics are evidence of racist treatment toward blacks, since whites consist of 62 percent of the population and blacks make up 13 percent of the population. But as Mac Donald writes in The Wall Street Journal, 2009 statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveal that blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties. Even if we take each case apart like the media is doing, there is no concerted effort to kill blacks by police. There just isn't. It's tin foil hat time when we dig up anecdotal cases and say "well there was a good shot that these 2 cops would've made it out just fine without shooting the guy that was wrestling with them, so they must hate black people and want to murder them" As for CK's answers to his questions? Well he is still an idiot. For instance: Q: What would you like to see changed? -KAEPERNICK: There’s a lot of things that need to change. One specifically is police brutality, there’s people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. The cops are getting paid leave for killing people. That’s not right. That’s not right by anyone’s standards. He takes issue with paid leave. Paid leave because the investigation isn't complete, and they were in the line of duty you nitwit. We think police officers should be incarcerated after every time they fire their gun now? Just in case? Wait until the facts are out and the investigation is complete.
  8. I don't know what you see, but I see most people standing up. Quite a few appreciate it. Not to mention the Oh Canada anthem is sung at some events such as the Sabres games.
  9. http://tribunist.com/news/new-york-giants-send-a-message-to-america-after-49ers-quarterback-refuses-to-stand-for-national-anthem-video/?utm_source=AFY Go Giants!
  10. So when the appeals courts hold up voter id cases, you will equally say that they came to a logical conclusion and they aren't oppressive bigots right? https://www.doj.state.wi.us/news-releases/us-court-appeals-seventh-circuit-stays-district-court%E2%80%99s-decision-frank-v-walker
  11. And people wonder why we have a problem with stories such as this. There is no substance. It's a rumor and a "trust me". Maybe Graham is right, but there are no facts.
  12. I agree, it's pretty silly to extrapolate the actions of a few as an indication of the mindset of 300 million people. Just trying to get a feel for this blatant racism that is rampant in this country. Not sure who you guys associate with, but not many people I know think that people of other races aren't equal. In fact the mere perceived notion of racism is a trigger for most people these days You'd have to ask Kelly the Dog. I assume by the elevator analogy that thinking in your head that someone is black is considered racism as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race just based on that realization. So just the acknowledgement of different races means you are off to a rough start in terms of "all men are created equal".
  13. Well I don't think anyone argues that racism doesn't exist. The argument here is that you stated that "That the great experiment produced a truly great country, and if only its people actually believed and practiced "all men are equal" " Indicative that a large portion of the country doesn't believe that all men are created equal. I'd like you to back that up outside of your own preconceived notions that white people are racist because it's just so obvious.
  14. My neighbor Joe thinks all men are equal. We are 1-1 right now. Shall we go on?
  15. We would be better off without them! They are just the worst! Love how this isn't seen as racist.
  16. I don't even know what the heck you are talking about now. This idea that the country views things a certain way because you do it and it is very clear to you is a bit presumptuous. That's like saying something racist and then attributing it to the country because you are part of the country. Edit: and no, noticing that someone is a different or same skin color as you is not racist lol.
  17. So who doesn't believe "all men are equal"?
  18. I don't know about you, but I don't. Tired of this assumption that this is the case. Not to mention that isn't racism in the least.
  19. Through being told that this country is racist. Even though it isn't. Racism is the default answer during altercations between two people. It shouldn't be. If a white person gets into a fight with a black person, people wonder if there were racial motivations. If a white person gets into a fight with a white person people wonder who did what to piss the other one off.
  20. This pretty much sums it up. Except you are racist if you say bad things about BLM. At that point your opinion is some form of hate and is unacceptable in America.
  21. Pretty sure these people believe they could be a victim of the police as much as any other black person because of their skin color. Its utter BS. A grand jury was convened and no charges were pressed. Regardless, this isn't the norm. If it is bring your stats to back the claim up. Hundreds of millions of encounters a year, less than 1,000 police shootings. 730 of which were in the commission of an attack in progress. Seek justice for your individual cases, but BLM is built on a great big lie, and the media refuses to tell the truth because it is a cash cow. 29 pages in over a day. Imagine what speculation about an unjustified shooting does to ratings.
  22. Condemn our history in what was admittedly poor judgement in the ideas of the founding fathers is what I meant. There is no harm in admitting one was wrong, but one must more forward at some point. All countries have made poor decisions in the past. The fact that people think this country was only founded on the backs of slaves (mentioned by another poster) and the white folk just kicked back and relaxed is hilarious though. Yes some white folk did. Most didn't. This country was built on the backs of all of it's citizens and continues to be. BLM is the one doing this type stuff: http://www.kwch.com/content/news/National-Black-Lives-Matter-organization-says-it-does-not-support-First-Step-Barbecue-387989542.html So yes, people are going to criticize them. The fact that you can't criticize a social movement because they cause more hate and divisiveness without being called a racist is part of the problem. BLM is like those bad charities you hear about that do nothing to serve their cause. You don't see criticism of those other movements because they are actually doing something. BLM has nothing on them or to do with them.
  23. My bad if I didn't understand the posters general point, but this notion that American's are unique in the fact that slavery was legal is off putting. (I know you didn't exactly say this) Yes we should condemn ourselves, and do our best to ensure equality but at some point you have to leave history to be history. This country has evolved based on those very principles, and have used the founding as a guideline for such adjustments.
  24. Slavery is something that existed long before the United States and still exists in some countries to date. While most people abhor it, the level American's hold ourselves to the wrongness of it is indicative of our culture. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/10/17/this-map-shows-where-the-worlds-30-million-slaves-live-there-are-60000-in-the-u-s/ By the way there are currently 60,000 underground slaves in the US (2013). But let's worry about the "epidemic" of unjustified police shootings per year that usually go to a trial. And by epidemic, I mean out of the 990 police shootings in the US last year, 730 were during an attack in progress. That leaves 260 cases that may or may not have been justified across all races. Out of hundreds of millions of encounters. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/10/17/this-map-shows-where-the-worlds-30-million-slaves-live-there-are-60000-in-the-u-s/ The BLM movement is so backwards it isn't even funny. It is railing against an establishment that can't defend itself because through the hundreds of millions of police encounters each year, there are bound to be a few that go bad. And each one is picked up by the media and picked apart for hours and dissected and fed to the masses as some type of problem because it is good ratings. It makes me sick.
  25. I went with 1 in one league and 6 in another! Thanks guys! Definitely going with Antonio Brown #1
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